The Gold Coast Bulletin



One of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen was a sunset from California’s Mount Diablo. In the Bay Area, the climate is often misty. But from up high, it was as if we were camping above a sea of cloud. We’re about to reach the opposite peak of the astrologic­al valley I described on Monday. Mars enter Scorpio, Venus makes a dynamic link with Neptune, and Mercury slips further backwards through our skies to realign harmonious­ly with Uranus. Despite the fog this weekend, we can all enjoy the view. Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.


As Mars changes signs this weekend you’re being encouraged to change a ‘them’ to an ‘us’. You’re being tempted to get involved in in someone else’s private affairs. And why not? There’s nothing wrong with symbiotic relationsh­ips, as long as they benefit both parties. But, as Venus and Neptune form a tense angle, it would be easy to develop an ‘us against the world’ philosophy. You’ll benefit far more if you value being a creative part of the machine, rather than raging against it.

NEW! Give yourself some good news with your forecast for 2018. Call 1900 959 005. LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Mahatma Gandhi noted that if we all took ‘an eye for an eye’, the whole world would end up blind. But following the wisdom of the great man, and choosing a non-violent way to address injustice, is much easier to say than to do. Especially if you’re faced with someone who is challengin­g the way you choose to live your life. You, though, are blessed with qualities befitting a saint or two: like generosity and gentleness. As Mars changes signs this weekend, allow them to shine.

Your NEW 2018 prediction is ready. I’ve got great news for you. Call 1900 959 005. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

Although you have characteri­stics in common with your cocentaurs, you are a unique Sagittaria­n. I mention this because you’re concerned about how your individual­ity has been compromise­d recently. You’re being asked to commit to joint ventures, share your ideas and reveal your feelings about a matter (or a person) that means a great deal to you. Don’t be pushed into disclosing more than you feel comfortabl­e sharing. One of your gifts is discrimina­tion. Use that this weekend.

Will 2018 be the year that your dreams come true? Find out. Call 1900 959 005. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21

To a tiny insect, a molehill really is a mountain. To a fairytale giant, walking the Himalayan peaks is a gentle stroll. To us, the size of an obstacle depends a lot on how we’re feeling psychologi­cally. This weekend, it’s as if the cosmos is providing you with the white rabbit from Alices Adventures in Wonderland, and an accompanyi­ng bottle of magical elixir. Will you grow big or small? The choice is yours. Whatever your decision, remember to look beyond crazy situations to the facts.

Will 2018 be the year that your dreams come true? Find out. Call 1900 959 005. VIRGO AUG 24 - SEP 23

It’s not easy when your intellect and your emotions pull in opposite directions. It seems obvious that you should act in a certain way, and yet you feel conflicted inside. How can you resolve this inner turmoil? You can’t just ignore your passions… not when they’re powerful and so deeply held. This weekend the power planet changes signs. Just because you can’t logically explain your reasoning, if you feel deeply affected by something or someone, follow your instincts.

Treat yourself to an early festive boost! Your 2018 prediction is ready. Call 1900 959 005. CAPRICORN DEC 22 - JAN 20

We often do what we think we ought to do and say what we think we should say. This means that in order to know how our nearest and dearest are really feeling, we have to develop the detective skills of Sherlock Holmes. The truth is hidden behind hints, suggestion­s and sideways glances. As Mars changes signs this weekend, it’s time for plain talking. Honest communicat­ion takes courage. It sometimes involves hearing truths we don’t like hearing. But there’s insight to be gained.

NEW! Your prediction for 2018 is ready! Pick up the phone. Call 1900 959 005. GEMINI MAY 22 - JUN 22

We take care about most of the decisions we make. Yet, although commercial businesses know the value of running background checks before deciding who to invest their time in, when it comes to partnershi­ps, our perspectiv­e often flies out of the window. You’re considerin­g your feelings about some of the people in your world. Although it’s never too late to reverse a decision, the ones you’ve made with your heart are hard to alter. Accept gracefully what you can’t change now.

Treat yourself to an early festive boost! Your 2018 prediction is ready. Call 1900 959 005.


This weekend, as Mercury remains retrograde and Venus forms a tense link to Neptune, it would be surprising if there weren’t an air of confusion. There’s a lot of informatio­n to process, and a perplexing series of ideas that you want to understand. Remaining in a position of uncertaint­y doesn’t feel like a satisfying option either. But, feeling a false sense of certainty in an ambiguous situation will hinder rather than help you make progress. Being baffled is okay. Clarity is coming.

NEW! I’ve prepared your forecast for 2018 and it’s packed with news! Call 1900 959 005.


Emotions are infectious. If one person vents their anger to another, it begins a chain of communicat­ion that can continue far beyond their personal view of the world. The same thing happens with anxiety. When someone you love is worrying about something, you pick up their worries too. Then, the people who care about you become concerned about your well being. Before you know it, we’re all affected by a worry virus! This weekend, you have the antidote to such a sequence. There’s great news in your NEW 2018 year-ahead prediction. Call me 1900 959 005.


Some of us are talkers, while others are listeners. The cosmic climate you find yourself in suggests that, although a great deal of talking is happening, the understand­ing that you’re hoping for remains elusive. This is starting to worry you. But, if you can listen beyond the words being spoken, not only will you understand the other side of the story, you’ll understand why someone is being so awkward. It takes effort; but beyond the easy options, there’s a priceless solution.

NEW! To find out about all the exciting possibilit­ies 2018 has is in store. Call 1900 959 005.


Mars arrives in your sign this weekend. Although this happens every couple of years, it’s still something to get fired up about, especially now, with Jupiter also in Scorpio. This visit will see you host their conjunctio­n for the first time since 1982, and suggests the beginning of a very special time for you. You’re right to have your appetite whetted! But, as strong as you are and as powerful as you get, it’s worth keeping your perspectiv­e. Bigger changes than you can even imagine are possible.

NEW! Good tidings await you in your 2018 prediction. GIve me a call: 1900 959 005.


The stock markets rise and fall like driftwood floating on the sea of consciousn­ess. As more of us feel uncertain about the future, the more unpredicta­ble is the rise and fall of the waves. How strange that we place so much store on notes and numbers, and so little on natural resources such as hope, creativity or enthusiasm. These priceless qualities are free, and available to each and every one of us. This weekend, as Venus links to your ruler, you can develop and use your finest qualities.

NEW! Good tidings await you in your 2018 prediction. GIve me a call: 1900 959 005.

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