The Gold Coast Bulletin



Dear Oscar, My husband’s a Piscean and I’m a Libran. Neither of us know what our best next step is. Are we stuck? Will we end up foggy-brained non-achievers? Esra Dear Esra, Libra is a ‘cardinal’ sign while Pisces is ‘mutable’. So although you struggle to label your relationsh­ip dynamic, the modality of your combined signs suggests that intransige­nce is not the issue. Cardinals like starting things, and mutables move from one thing to another. When you’re lost in fog, a considered approach is healthy. What do they say about those who rush in? Oscar

Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702.


We’ve reached that time of year when we start to look ahead and think about our hopes and dreams for the upcoming year. But the danger with dreaming is that it’s completely dependent on our frame of mind. It only takes a moment’s negativity, and a positive daydream can become a nightmare. As your ruler Mars links to Neptune, rather than allowing any aggravatin­g worries or difficult desires to affect your mood today, if you focus on the positive, you can make a real move towards a fulfilling future. Will 2018 be the year that your dreams come true? Find out. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

When we’re the master of a skill, it’s amazing how easy it is to forget the hours and time it took to learn it. And, it’s almost impossible to imagine how impossible it appears to someone who has no idea how to do it. They might even think that you have magical powers. Of course, it works the other way too. You feel the same when you see other people doing things that you have no idea how to do. Although you seem to be dealing with a tricky situation, you can easily develop the skills to cope. NEW! Give yourself some good news with your forecast for 2018. Call 1900 959 005.


When you dream, you dream big. Now, as Mars moves to form a harmonious link to Neptune, your imaginatio­n is being galvanised into hyperactiv­ity. And, while some people might fail to see the benefits of spending time thinking about what could be, you’re not avoiding the present. You’re conjuring up your future. Even if you don’t see yourself as a dreamer, you’re wise enough to know the value of optimism. You can keep your feet on the ground and still have a vision of hope today. Your NEW 2018 prediction is ready. I’ve got great news for you. Call 1900 959 005.


Whenever Mars makes his biennial trip to your opposite sign, it feels as if everyone else’s opinions matter more than your own. You may feel as if you spend too much of your time trying to satisfy other people’s whims: like the proverbial puppet on celestial strings. But you needn’t feel taken for granted. Tomorrow, when Mars links harmonious­ly with Neptune it will help you make a convincing case for a cause that you feel passionate­ly about. You’ll be able to build an alliance. Then, you can make a difference.

NEW! Your prediction for 2018 is ready! Pick up the phone. Call 1900 959 005.


Although you can’t make everything right today, if you can articulate how you’re feeling about what’s wrong, you can begin to shift things in the right direction. We tend to think that by conveying disgruntle­ment we’ll merely add to the bad mood. But, acknowledg­ing the truth of a situation can have an effect like releasing a psychologi­cal pressure valve. If you choose your words and your timing, a situation that’s been coming to a head, can be diffused in a gentle, and harmless way. What a relief. Will 2018 be the year that your dreams come true? Find out. Call 1900 959 005.


When it comes to resolving a conflict, communicat­ion is a necessary component. When both sides are giving the other ‘the silent treatment’ any difference­s are unlikely to be sorted out. Even a shared desire to reach a peaceful settlement won’t be possible. But, in order for communicat­ion to begin, someone has to start communicat­ing! In this situation, a minor miracle is necessary. Luckily, this is the miracle season! And, as Mars links to Neptune, one is possible for you. Treat yourself to an early festive boost! Your 2018 prediction is ready. Call 1900 959 005.


A certain genre of movies always features evil villains who manipulate people in their effort to attain world domination. They never explain their motives, though! Do they secretly yearn to attend boring, endless meetings about the number of parking spaces on the high street? Or receive endless criticism about the state of public services? Responsibi­lity brings burdens. You don’t need any more weight on your shoulders today. If you assert yourself, it’s likely that your needs will be met.

There’s great news in your NEW 2018 year-ahead prediction. Call me 1900 959 005.


We’re in that strange time between Christmas and New Year’s Eve when technicall­y there’s no reason not to be back at work. But if you try to go about everyday life expecting regular levels of service, you’re in for a shock! Even though you’ve got things to do, it’s apparent that some folk are still in holiday mode. It’s a moment that can cause you to wonder why you work so hard. Just because you’re used to something doesn’t make it desirable. Tomorrow’s Mars-Neptune link will help you strike a better balance. Treat yourself to an early festive boost! Your 2018 prediction is ready. Call 1900 959 005.


If we were asked, before arriving on planet Earth, what we thought our purpose here was going to be, would attaining material wealth have been on the top of your list? The way some people live their lives, you’d think that money was the beall and end-all of their world. Sometimes, we get so caught up in paying bills, and affording what we need, that our finances seem to be the only reason for doing what we do. Now, though, if you aspire to higher values, material issues will work themselves out. NEW! I’ve prepared your forecast for 2018 and it’s packed with news! Call 1900 959 005.


Creative people never laze around for long. Even though you might not consider yourself to be an artist or a musician, you are imaginativ­e. And, although you’re very competent at what you do with your day, you’re reaching a time when you yearn to do something different. You’re ready to add more strings to your bow, but you’re not sure that you have the energy to begin the challenge of learning something new. Tomorrow, a late gift appears as the Mars-Neptune trine encourages you to try something new.

NEW! Good tidings await you in your 2018 prediction. GIve me a call: 1900 959 005.


As Mars continues to energise your sign, a certain degree of success is on the cards for you. Now that the festivitie­s are over, a sense of purpose, that you’ve been forced to put to one side is re-emerging. As Mars prepares to link to Neptune tomorrow, it brings a creative and imaginativ­e approach which will enable you to sort out something that really needs to be sorted. Then, you’ll be free to begin taking steps towards activating a plan into action. The time is right to make an important move. NEW! To find out about all the exciting possibilit­ies 2018 has is in store. Call 1900 959 005.


Does other people’s behaviour really have a big effect on how you feel? Or the number of positive interactio­ns you have on social media? It’s all too easy to judge our well-being by things that are out of our control. But, in doing so, we disempower ourselves. As Mars links to your ruler, Neptune, it empowers you with hopefulnes­s and enthusiasm. If you can recognise your potential, you’ll begin to know your strengths. Then, you can depend on someone reliable to make you feel good – that’s you! NEW! Good tidings await you in your 2018 prediction. GIve me a call: 1900 959 005.

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