The Gold Coast Bulletin




It's a good thing that you can't float up into the air whenever you want to. Just think of all the trouble you'd create in the supermarke­t or crossing a road. An invisibili­ty cloak might seem like a good idea sometimes, but even that has its downsides. Who knows what you might see if you weren't expected, or the havoc that would be caused by objects seemingly moving of their own accord. Something that seems to be equally impossible is possible now. Consider the consequenc­es before taking action.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For good news call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

I've got a friend who's very partial to uncooked cake mixture – not just scraping the bowl, but eating spoonfuls of the eggy mix! Surely this can't be good for their health? No matter how much we look forward to eating something sweet, most people on the planet would prefer to patiently wait for the cake to bake before tucking in. As Venus prepares to conjunct Neptune, with just a little more patience an unfinished project or idea can be transforme­d into something solid and satisfying.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For good news call 1900 959 005.


If you could go back and change something from your past, what would you choose? Of course, we're told that no one can rewrite history, yet it's possible to alter it by recalling events and people who've been forgotten. Once you start adding informatio­n to any good story, the narrative has to adapt to accommodat­e the new facts. If you want to embrace all that's positive about the Venus-Neptune conjunctio­n that's coming up, the best way to start is to forgive something from your past.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For good news call 1900 959 005.


You can make a big difference to someone's life today. You can cheer them up, raise their spirits and open a door for them that leads towards a more hopeful future. You just need to be aware of your power… because you could also easily fuel them with ideas that are out of their scope and beyond their reality. You have more power and influence than you realise, so be responsibl­e about how you offer encouragem­ent. A small goodwill gesture is worth more to someone than an unfulfilla­ble dream.

Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiring alignments. Call 1900 959 005.


Is limitation the inspiratio­n of invention? Would we have bothered to invent faster-than-sound air travel if we'd been born with wings? If we had the ability to see through walls, would we have created glass? With voice-activated TV sets replacing the arduous task of having to use a remote control, perhaps laziness is another contributi­ng factor. But there's no getting around the fact that humans are creative creatures. You can now prove this in an ingenious and surprising way.

Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiring alignments. Call 1900 959 005.


How would you feel if someone said that you were away with the fairies? It's supposed to be a negative comment suggesting irrational behavior. But doesn't it sound like rather a nice place to go? The world might be much nicer if we all spent some time learning how to weave magic into our lives. You can decide that you want to be practical and pragmatic now, or you can focus on your instinct and trust your imaginatio­n. The difficult situation that you're facing will be helped by some wandwaving!

Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiring alignments. Call 1900 959 005.


Tomorrow, just as Venus conjuncts Neptune, Mercury links to Saturn suggesting that you're being pulled in two different directions. Your heart yearns to believe one thing, while your head tells you to trust in the bare facts and the facts alone. But there's a third alignment arching across the sky. Your ruler is creating a sharp angle with transforma­tive Pluto indicating that neither your head, nor your heart has dominion. You can't allow yourself to be cowed by doubt, or controlled by faith. Find the middle way today.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For good news call 1900 959 005.


Speech is the most obvious way that humans communicat­e. Yet even if we share the same language, there's no guarantee that we really understand each other. We're so caught up in acceptable behaviour patterns that we obfuscate our feelings behind conduct that's based on a deep urge to be liked. We have a strong desire to feel part of something – so we learn how to harmonise. In the area of your life where there seems to be much confusion, if you focus on what you need, you'll discover clarity.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For good news call 1900 959 005.


Although we all yearn to be protected and safe we're not naïve enough to imagine that these are lifestyle choices that we can take for granted. Life tends to test us and keep us on our toes. Sometimes it challenges our expectatio­ns, and pushes us to the limit of both our financial and emotional resources. To protect ourselves from the unknown, we build protective barriers and hide away from challenges. It's worth checking that you're not over-reacting to an imaginary problem now.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For good news call 1900 959 005.


Apparently there is scientific evidence that suggests that the chances of winning the lottery are smaller than the chances of being whisked away by aliens! But how on earth can anyone know that? How many aliens have you seen recently? Surely that's just a crazy construct to put people off the idea of winning vast sums of money! Of course anyone's chance of a lottery win are remote… but what you're aiming for, despite apparent evidence indicating that it's impossible, is within your reach.

Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiring alignments. Call 1900 959 005.


One of life's greatest gifts is the ability to be creative. We all have it. Even people who don't think they have a creative bone in their body can't help but create. We do it as we dream, as we play and as we speak. Every move we make is inspired and unique. Your imaginatio­n is a powerful tool… so what's occupying it at the moment? Could you be feeling so bored that you're imagining worrying scenarios just to keep your mind busy? If you stop doubting your talents, there's a brilliant way to proceed.

Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiring alignments. Call 1900 959 005.


The world would be a much sadder place if dreams came true only in story books and rom-coms. We'd all have to put up with what's going on in our lives without being able to hope for a happy resolution to any of our problems. Fortunatel­y, this is not the situation you're experienci­ng at the moment. You're blessed to have the planet of love, Venus in your sign, and it's about to converge with your ruler, Neptune. If ever there was an indication of the potential to dream, and dream big, this is it.

Powerful changes are possible as the planets spin into inspiring alignments. Call 1900 959 005.

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