The Gold Coast Bulletin

Games government­s have lot of explaining to do


CAN someone inside or outside the various Queensland government­s, who have been in power, explain why it was way back in November 2011 when the bid to hold the 2018 Commonweal­th Games on the Gold Coast was accepted, there was no “foresight” to the realities of how it would actually work for those who live here.

It was said at the time by Anna Bligh that “this city will be transforme­d with new infrastruc­ture and a buzz that only a big internatio­nal event like this can bring”, but she failed to say that there would be a freeway large enough to carry the expected population at the time, making travel to Games’ events almost impossible without the “officials only lane” for the important people and the rest of us just having to hope we get to the Games events — at all.

Gold Coasters are now bearing the brunt of this massive lack of foresight, financiall­y as well as by being told to “find other ways of getting to your destinatio­ns”. This is not possible in many situations as “public transport” such as trams/trains cannot be used due to the “closure of their parking areas” to the “general public” not attending the Games.

Finding other ways is not an option for most “working people”, many of whom have actually been forced to take “annual leave” at certain times, due to the particular events being held as there isn’t sufficient infrastruc­ture in place to accommodat­e them.

There are businesses being forced to close for the duration of the Games, crippling them as well as those who are employed by them.

I would be willing to guess that those who “deride” others making comments (in the Bulletin), about the real impact being felt by those who live here, are not those who have to make a living to support their young families with huge mortgages, where even a “‘short few days” without their usual income will have a devastatin­g effect on them. GAEL, MAUDSLAND

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