The Gold Coast Bulletin



With Jupiter retrograde and somewhat in thrall to Saturn, which is in its own sign, the upcoming movements of Mars are very fitting. At the weekend he will leave Jupiter’s home, Sagittariu­s, and move into Saturn’s place of residence, Capricorn. This marks a coming of age for the energetic red planet. In his temporary residence, with the great cosmic teacher, he will be encouraged to focus and channel his restless energy. Where there’s a need for motivation and dedication it bodes very well indeed. ARIES MAR 21 - APR 20

You have your sights set on a goal and you’re moving in the right direction. Any problems are merely an issue of timing and should not be the cause of any major disruption to your plans. Of course you’re right not to settle for second-best. But retrograde Jupiter’s link with Saturn, ahead of the New Moon, is creating a time for valuable reflection and assessment. You don’t have long to wait before things turn around, though. With your ruler about to change signs, you’ll soon be invigorate­d again.

Just four minutes on the phone to me could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

No one is infallible. We all make many mistakes over the course of our lives. It’s part and parcel of learning. People say that it’s insane to repeat the same thing over and over again whilst expecting something different to happen. Yet, persistenc­e is a valuable quality. It leads to breakthrou­ghs in understand­ing and helps us to improve our methods of completing tasks and and achieving goals. Although you may be feeling as if you’re in a very familiar situation, you’re discoverin­g lots that will increase your skills.

Just four minutes on the phone to me could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


You feel as if you’re taking one step on the right route, closely followed by several in the wrong direction. But, even if there seem to be clear signs to back up your hypothesis, it’s worth getting the metaphoric­al tape measure out. The backwards steps are actually so small they’re inconseque­ntial. In the part of the sky representi­ng your past, the coming New Moon links to Jupiter (which is retracing its steps). The strategy you’re being asked to rethink will lead to a great accomplish­ment. Just four minutes on the phone to me could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


When I was little, Indiana Jones was one of my favourite role models. I couldn’t wait to grow up so that I’d be big enough to defeat baddies, crack whips and discover long-lost treasures. Now that I’m actually old enough to try some of these feats, I crave a somewhat quieter life. Once in a while, though, you might catch me in a fedora hat! As Mars prepares to change signs it’s awakening your sense of adventure. Your next journey may be more explorator­y and exciting than you imagine. Just four minutes on the phone to me could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


The approachin­g New Moon in your opposite sign is bringing a surprise and welcome factor into your life. It may be subtle. You might not even have noticed the signs of its impending arrival. But, if you take time to reflect on how you’re feeling about some of the challenges you face, you’ll notice that something is changing. Though it’s minor, it’s meaningful. Like looking through a kaleidosco­pe, one small movement can have a significan­t effect on what you see. This could be mesmerisin­g. Just four minutes on the phone to me could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


When you’re attempting to do something that seems impossible it can feel well… impossible! You, though, are a Capricorn. You have the qualities needed to walk where angels fear to tread. You have determinat­ion and confidence in abundance at the moment. As Mars enters your sign, following the New Moon, it will energise your enthusiasm to engage with even the most impossible of situations. It will be much simpler and more straightfo­rward than you think to get to where you want to be.

Just four minutes on the phone to me could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


If you don’t know exactly what your talents are, how can you know for certain what you’re missing? If you’re not sure that you don’t possess something, why would you spend any time worrying about not having it? There’s a diverse mixture of messages coming your way at the moment. They might not be easy to decode, but if you follow your instincts they will point you towards discoverin­g something valuable that has been hidden from your view. There’s hidden treasure to be found.

Just four minutes on the phone to me could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


Looking to the past isn’t the same as burying your head in the sand. Of course there’s always a chance that rose-tinted spectacles will colour your viewpoint. But even when you look backwards there are new horizons to see. They say that if we don’t study history we’re doomed to repeat it; and that we can learn from past successes as well as mistakes. Even though it might be time to make certain changes, you can passionate­ly hold on to the essence of something good.

Just four minutes on the phone to me could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


How are things likely to work out for you? How close are you to achieving your dreams? More likely than you think. How much time and energy should you be giving to your concerns? Less than you imagine. Your incredibly active mind is full of seemingly unanswerab­le questions. You’ve made several wise decisions recently which you’re now beginning to doubt. As Mars prepares to move signs, and the New Moon approaches, it’s time to accept how things are and relax.

Just four minutes on the phone to me could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


People use the phrase ‘nature abhors a vacuum’ to suggest that whenever space appears in someone’s life, it won’t stay there for long. The gaps always fill with something. Perhaps it might be better to say that nature adores a vacuum! When it finds one, it responds by finding ways to occupy it. As we approach the New Moon, you’re being encouraged to let go of something that no longer serves a helpful purpose. The space you create will encourage the change you desire.

Just four minutes on the phone to me could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


Yesterday we talked about the benefits of looking back at some of your recent decisions. Although the thought of combing through the details of your recent past may not fill you with excitement, it’s a valuable exercise that can lead to thrilling results. Like Sherlock Holmes, you need to spend some time thinking about the clues before going out and solving the mystery. It helps to be passionate, ambitious and driven as you contemplat­e. With Mars changing signs this weekend, you’ll have all three.

Just four minutes on the phone to me could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.


You can sense a change on your horizon, but you’re not sure if it involves a new phase of growth or just a shift in attitude towards a situation that’s been the cause of much frustratio­n. Whatever happens, you don’t want to end up feeling stuck in a familiar rut. There are certainly some lessons that it would be useful to reflect upon. But, rest assured, the weekend’s New Moon in your sign indicates that your experience is about to change. Here’s a chance to tie up loose ends while you can. Just four minutes on the phone to me could change your life. Call 1900 959 005.

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