The Gold Coast Bulletin




We learn tricks and ways to disguise moments when we lack confidence. It helps, though, when we have faith in what we’re trying to achieve. As Mercury begins its retrograde motion in your sign today, it brings an opportunit­y to remember a skill you’ve mastered in the past, which will serve you well as you deal with an awkward problem. You may feel as if you lack resources – but you’re in possession of a priceless asset; your readiness to do whatever it takes and put your energy into solving this.

Want to discover priceless informatio­n about your week? Call 1900 959 005. LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

These days, with short attention spans and mini-computers in our pockets, you see all sorts of people playing electronic games and ‘levelling up’. This is a standard expression in interactiv­e entertainm­ent, which means that on completion of certain tasks, the player gains new abilities. Life is not, of course, a video game. But sometimes it does imitate, ahem, ‘art’. There are things you must do in order to grow more powerful. Do so, and the gains you make will make future challenges much easier.

Don’t worry about the future. I have great things to tell you. Call 1900 959 005. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

It seems as if you’ve reached a line where you have to make a decision between making a compromise or a sacrifice. Although we understand, in theory, that we need to give if we want to receive, practising this, especially when we feel as if we’ve lost something that’s rightly ours, is not easy. You’re preparing yourself for a psychologi­cal blow. Yet, this weekend there’s a good chance that you’ll discover that the outcome you desire is going to demand far less than you suspect.

Treat yourself to valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call 1900 959 005. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21

You want something that you think is out of your reach but which could become part of your reality. So, how would that make you feel? Achieving something we’ve dreamt of doesn’t always lead to the emotions we imagine. With Mercury retrograde and your ruler linking with Pluto today, plus the SunMars alignment this weekend, you’re being given a chance to see life from a different perspectiv­e. You might find that you choose to let go of a tired vision, and find something more exciting to aim for.

Don’t worry about the future. I have great things to tell you. Call 1900 959 005.


Your ruler, Mercury, is retrograde. You find yourself with a chance to review and reflect. If there are big decisions to be made, they need to be made thoughtful­ly and with considerat­ion of all the relevant points of view. If you’re under the impression that a decision has been already reached you may find that there are last minute factors that change the way you’re feeling. Spend the time you need to contemplat­e and consider now and you’ll save time and energy in the future.

Treat yourself to valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call 1900 959 005. CAPRICORN DEC 22 - JAN 20

You’re feeling passionate and enthusiast­ic. That’s fantastic news. You’re also assuming that it doesn’t matter how you get to where you’re heading, as long as you get there. This isn’t quite so fantastic. They say that the devil is in the detail. This time, though, the angels are there too. Your guardian angel would like you to know that something that’s easy to overlook might turn out to be more problemati­c than you can imagine. Instead of rushing, make sure you’re going in the best possible way.

Want to discover priceless informatio­n about your week? Call 1900 959 005. GEMINI MAY 22 - JUN 22

Even though your ruler has begun its retrograde movement, it is bestowing blessings on your weekend. You need something to change, but this is not an occasion to take advantage of someone’s generosity and just put your feet up. Instead, here comes an opportunit­y that needs grabbing with both hands. There’s competitio­n for what you want, so you’re going to need to voice your needs clearly if there’s a real chance of them being fulfilled. Be honest, stay focused and you’ll get your reward.

Treat yourself to valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call 1900 959 005.


There’s more power available to you than you realise, which is a good thing because this weekend, you may find that you’re called upon to deal with a tricky situation. In order to redress something that’s out of balance, you’ll need to access your discrimina­tory powers and your ability to negotiate. A peaceful solution to a disagreeme­nt is well within your capabiliti­es. If you take your time before jumping to conclusion­s or reacting to provocatio­n, you can quietly and confidentl­y do what needs to be done.

Want to discover priceless informatio­n about your week? Call 1900 959 005. AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19

Daydreamin­g can be so time-consuming and energy-sapping. It’s so upsetting when our fantasies don’t work out… if we’d only known we could have spent those wasted hours doing something more pragmatic. It is, though, vital to allow ourselves time for our imaginatio­n to run wild. That’s when visions of how things could be form in our minds. That’s when creative solutions to problems arise. Don’t dismiss a far-fetched thought this weekend. If you work on it, it could be of real tangible benefit.

Don’t worry about the future. I have great things to tell you. Call 1900 959 005. CANCER JUN 23 - JUL 23

Yesterday we talked about the importance of having clear boundaries. I wasn’t suggesting you put on your steel-toecapped boots, though. As Mercury turns retrograde, there’s every chance that you might end up kicking yourself if you come out kicking! You have an opportunit­y to examine where you position yourself with regard to a complicate­d situation, and to align with what you stand for. Where there seems to be an imbalance of power, you’re certainly strong enough to assume control.

Want to discover priceless informatio­n about your week? Call 1900 959 005.


You don’t need to develop a new and demanding exercise routine to make you strong enough to cope. Nor do you need to reach new levels of psychologi­cal endurance. You just have to find the wherewitha­l to turn your back on an old habit or negative thought pattern. As Mercury turns retrograde today, by turning to face a fear from the past, you’ll find a new way to processing and conquer it. Then, as the Sun and Venus connect to your ruling planets, you can begin a valuable new way of working.

Don’t worry about the future. I have great things to tell you. Call 1900 959 005. PISCES FEB 20 - MAR 20

We all have our ways of contributi­ng to society; there are times when we can’t do much and others when we can offer our support and make a concerted effort to help a project or a mission. You’re feeling as if you want to help but worried that you have limited resources. Forget your fears; you’re in a surprising­ly strong position now. Despite Mercury’s retrograde movement the weekend looks set to contain pleasing progress. Your efforts to help will be both appreciate­d and reciprocat­ed.

Treat yourself to valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call 1900 959 005.

 ??  ?? It’s not just retrograde Mercury that’s revealing hidden truths that lie behind what we thought we knew. The dynamic link of Venus with mysterious Pluto places a high value on secretive and enigmatic matters. It encourages curiosity in even the most...
It’s not just retrograde Mercury that’s revealing hidden truths that lie behind what we thought we knew. The dynamic link of Venus with mysterious Pluto places a high value on secretive and enigmatic matters. It encourages curiosity in even the most...

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