The Gold Coast Bulletin


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Traditiona­lly, astrologer­s are pictured staring into crystal balls or casting incantatio­ns. These days, though, you’re more likely to find me with my eyes fixed on a laptop screen, muttering under my breath about wifi! But in my mind’s eye the process involves a spherical object. But, rather than being clear as crystal, it’s often more like the 1950’s fortune-telling Magic 8-Ball toy! The words it reveals today are strength and transforma­tion. With the Sun-Pluto link tomorrow, there’s power at our disposal.


It’s natural to be dazzled by the kind of instant transforma­tions a magician can achieve. Rabbits from hats, coins from behind your ear, that kind of thing. But most everyday transforma­tions take much longer. When we watch them on speeded-up film, miracles of nature - such as the opening of a flower - are just as dazzling as the illusionis­t’s tricks. Similar power is at work in your emotional life now. It won’t happen in a trice, but, with assistance from the upcoming Sun-Pluto link, a positive transforma­tion is coming. Give it time. The powerful trine brings fresh hope for the future. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Under ‘A’ in the book of clichés it states: ‘A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step’. I could leave your forecast there. But that would be exhibiting the one trait you cannot afford now: laziness. Don’t shun an adventure because you fear it will sap you. It might be daunting, but you have the ability. In doing so you’ll be transforme­d by the process, mastering skills you never though you had and crossing boundaries once thought out of reach. You have the strength to make it seem effortless. The powerful trine brings fresh hope for the future. Call 1900 959 005.


In theory, we can achieve anything we set our minds to. Whether it is success in a chosen profession, sport or artistic endeavour, we soon learn what our advantages and limits might be. Physicalit­y, talent, ambition and energy all come into the equation. But sometimes it is worth reconsider­ing a choice you once rejected. You have experience under your belt now that make it worth taking a second look through a door you closed (or was closed on you) long ago. The skies suggest you have hidden potential. The powerful trine brings fresh hope for the future. Call 1900 959 005.


I am going to ask something of you today. When you get a quiet moment, can you rise above the mundane demands of work or whatever else has a claim on your time? A special kind of power is coming your way soon, and with the added bonus of the upcoming Mars-Venus-Neptune trine, you need to be free of everyday concerns to make the most of it. It’s a big ask, but if you can reach for your most elevated understand­ing of your role in life today, you will emerge with a clear idea of where you need to go next. The powerful trine brings inspiratio­n and hope. Call 1900 959 005.


If you can remain single-minded, this week should bring great reward. The danger is distractio­n, provocatio­n even. You’ll have to be at your sharpest to resist being drawn into unnecessar­y conflict or argument, which would be energy-draining at best, or throw you completely off course at worst. You have a plan you want to advance; stick to it. As the Sun links with Pluto and the Minor Grand Trine forms, you’re in a fine position to deepen a relationsh­ip or to forge a new bond. Keep focused for great results! The powerful trine brings inspiratio­n and hope. Call 1900 959 005.


We all have weeks where every advance is met with a setback. Is the cosmos sending a message - trying to balance out good luck and bad luck. No, it doesn’t work like that; it just seems that way sometimes! But once in a while, a week comes along where every advance is met with another advance. This is shaping up to be one such week, with Pluto making links with Jupiter and the Sun, and the helpful Venus-Mars-Neptune trine on hand too. And no, there won’t be any cosmic reversal to cope with either. The powerful trine brings inspiratio­n and hope. Call 1900 959 005.


Is it time to make a stand. For too long, you have let yourself to be played by someone - or more than just one person - into living your life to please them, with scant considerat­ion for your own personal feelings. They know how to pluck your heartstrin­gs and bend you to their will. Their motives are often concealed behind a smile. At one end of this continuum, it is a kind of bullying; at the other, it is just a mild yet persistent feeling that you are being taken advantage of. Enough! It is time to speak up. The powerful trine brings fresh hope for the future. Call 1900 959 005.


One person looms large in your life right now. It could be a new acquaintan­ce, and things have deepened swiftly; or it’s someone you’ve known a long while who is taking up much of your time and thoughts. I am not saying this is necessaril­y a problem. But, as the Venus-Mars-Neptune trine starts to form, you need to ask yourself what you are getting from this interactio­n. How did you get to this point? You may be fine; but you need to take stock. Question your priorities. It’s not too late to change your direction of travel. The powerful trine brings fresh hope for the future. Call 1900 959 005.


We’ve all seen the old films where the mind-reader stares into the eyes of their subject and proceeds to reveal facts that astonish the audience. In real life, the only way to be a mindreader is to be an interprete­r of non-verbal signals and hints and it is easy to make a misreading. For real communicat­ion to take place, it’s much better to talk! You are beginning to sense a connection with someone new, but you can’t be certain. Mercury retrograde isn’t helping either. You want clarity. Ask The powerful trine brings fresh hope for the future. Call 1900 959 005.


Songwriter Caroline Spence wrote Softball about growing up a baseball fanatic and discoverin­g her gender precluded her from playing, while unwilling boys were pushed into the game. The world is beginning to change in this regard. Cancerians may soon find themselves stepping up to the plate in this transforma­tion. Someone has been trying to mould you into something you don’t want to be. Don’t compromise just to suit someone’s narrow view. A curveball you throw can change the game in your favour. The powerful trine brings inspiratio­n and hope. Call 1900 959 005.


You have informatio­n that someone needs to know. It’s a big responsibi­lity, and the way you tell them will dictate how they will react. Pluto represents the hidden, sometimes subconscio­us forces or things beneath the surface. So you will have assistance from the link that mysterious celestial body is starting to form with the Sun. But Pluto is also linked with transforma­tion, renewal and rebirth, so the symbolism is clear: negotiate this hurdle and a new beginning is possible. You will make a new discovery too. The powerful trine brings inspiratio­n and hope. Call 1900 959 005.


I recently tidied up an old box I found in a cupboard - and was astonished to discover useful tools I had completely forgotten about. That’s the nature of things we accumulate; recent acquisitio­ns can push others into the background. As with objects, so with skills, emotions, feelings and, it’s hard to admit, friendship­s sometimes. Have you allowed recent ‘acquisitio­ns’ to push into the background others that were once important to you? The skies suggest you have a chance to reconnect today. The powerful trine brings inspiratio­n and hope. Call 1900 959 005.

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