The Gold Coast Bulletin

Poor kids death link


CHILDREN in poorer parts of NSW are nearly twice as likely to die than those living in areas with low poverty levels, new figures show.

The overall number and rate of child deaths in NSW fell between 2001 and 2015, according to a report tabled in state parliament yesterday. The study covered the 8657 children who died in the state during the 14-year period.

While no area in the state experience­d a significan­t increase in its child mortality rate, some areas showed more deaths than others.

“The report demonstrat­ed that child mortality rates are higher in areas of greater socio-economic disadvanta­ge, in areas with higher levels of social exclusion, and in more remote areas,” NSW Ombudsman Michael Barnes said.

The likelihood of a child dying in areas of high poverty levels is 1.7 times higher than those in low poverty areas, the report said.

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