The Gold Coast Bulletin




You’ve been giving a sensitive issue a great deal of thought. You’ve tried seeing it from different angles. You’ve carefully weighed it up. Can it really have changed since you last looked at it? Since you’ve already devoted a lot of time and attention to this, the chances are that you’re struggling to comprehend something because it’s shifting and changing on a daily basis. You’ll never completely get to grips with it. As Mercury makes a new home, acceptance is enough to enable you to move on. Venus and Mercury are changing signs and bringing hope. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Venus enters Leo tomorrow and the New Moon is about to take place in your 11th Solar House. This indicates that when it comes to a hard-fought campaign and your efforts to improve both your life and the lives of those around you, improvemen­t is on the cards. Although the feeling of restrictio­n isn’t going to disappear completely, you can sense that it has loosened its grip. The cosmos is pushing, pulling, coaxing and cajoling you into a new and improved way of leading your life. Venus and Mercury are changing signs and bringing hope. Call 1900 959 005.


Isn’t it ironic how we sometimes have trouble expressing our heartfelt feelings to the people we love the most? Life is full of mysteries. Just because somebody close to you is experienci­ng something they find hard to talk about, don’t take it personally. You can still offer support. Even if you feel something’s wrong, demonstrat­ing patience will be the clearest way of indicating that you’re ready to hear what they have to say. With kindness as your guide, communicat­ion will become easier. Venus and Mercury are changing signs and bringing hope. Call 1900 959 005.


They say that opportunit­y knocks, but what’s the point in sitting inside and waiting for it when you can head out and find it in its own home? As your ruler prepares to change signs, you can find the right door and ring the right doorbell. Since you’re keen to implement a change that will enable you to move on from a frustratin­g situation, the time is ripe for action. The sense of helplessne­ss you’ve been dealing with will only move on when you make a decision to stop waiting. This is your chance to act. Venus and Mercury are changing signs and bringing hope. Call 1900 959 005.


Not even the most efficient person on the planet can single handedly accomplish the changes they desire. You’re becoming aware that you need some support before you can make significan­t advances. Struggling alone is tougher than you thought. The lack of obvious assistance is not necessaril­y going to impede your progress though. Mercury’s change of signs suggests that you’ve been looking for it up the wrong tree. Look out for someone with a ladder! They’re making their way into your life. Venus and Mercury are changing signs and bringing hope. Call 1900 959 005.


If going round and round in the same circle is making you happy, stop reading this forecast! Why not pursue the same arguments and fight the same battles? You’ll get the result you want in the end. Yet, as Mercury makes itself comfortabl­e in a new home, you can easily change your way of thinking about an old situation. You’re in a powerful position from which you can navigate your way towards instigatin­g change. If you summon your wisdom you can make an astute decision. Venus and Mercury are changing signs and bringing hope. Call 1900 959 005.


As we get closer to the annual New Moon in your sign, the rules you’ve been feeling bound by are relaxing. That’s not to say that any change is going to be easy and will work out exactly as you hope. It could be that the process begins with a tiny almost insignific­ant occurrence which spirals into a sequence of consequent­ial actions. Rather like a thread in a jumper, that starts to run when you pull it. Once you have a firm hold on this, the changes will begin. Something of real relevance can be created. Venus and Mercury are changing signs and bringing hope. Call 1900 959 005.


Being inconsiste­nt doesn’t make people hypocritic­al or fickle. We need to be able to change our opinions and take events and ideas into considerat­ion. Otherwise we’d be fixed and never move on. Remaining entrenched in a position seems to give some people the right to deliver lectures on unpredicta­bility, but you’re absolutely right to change your mind. You have new priorities which are a reflection of a new reality. Don’t give yourself a tough time and don’t allow anyone else to either. Venus and Mercury are changing signs and bringing hope. Call 1900 959 005.


The reason we have obstacles to face is that we develop techniques to surmount them. The reason problems manifest is that we find ways to solve them. It’s amazing how easily we forget, and see life as a complex succession of struggles. But nothing in your world is unresolvab­le. Even the things that seem permanent sources of worry can be changed. The approachin­g New Moon heightens your creativity. A small problem appears larger than it is. Don’t give it more attention than it merits. Venus and Mercury are changing signs and bringing hope. Call 1900 959 005.


If you imagine a world with seven billion people on it, all having conversati­ons, imagine the noise we must be making and the number of words being spoken. It’s mind-boggling. I wonder how many of those words are being spoken from the heart and falling on ears that will really listen. We spend a lot of time hiding behind our language; true communicat­on is a relatively rare event. The coming New Moon brings an opportunit­y to share meaningful ideas with someone special. Venus and Mercury are changing signs and bringing hope. Call 1900 959 005.


You’re facing a choice and struggling to make a decision. You feel as if you’re lacking informatio­n, and that it would be simpler if you knew more about a sensitive issue. But this is one of those times when, no matter how much you discover, you’ll never feel in possession of all the facts. So go ahead. Take it slowly because there’s a good chance that a surprise or two lies ahead. But that’s not to say that trouble awaits. Far better results will be achieved if you approach this adventure with confidence. Venus and Mercury are changing signs and bringing hope. Call 1900 959 005.


According to scientists and psychologi­sts, there are ways and means of testing and measuring human intelligen­ce. Personally, I don’t trust their tests. There are so many different types of intelligen­ce. For example, some people perform extraordin­ary mathematic­al calculatio­ns in their heads but struggle to express their emotions. Although you’re struggling to solve a problem, as Mercury and Venus change signs, it’s time to share a talent that you take for granted. It can bless and help someone now. Venus and Mercury are changing signs and bringing hope. Call 1900 959 005.

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