The Gold Coast Bulletin



Yesterday, after two months of reversing through our skies, Mars slowed to a standstill and changed direction. As it skidded to a stop, it entered into a productive arrangemen­t with Jupiter. Mars is the planet of action and desire, while Jupiter governs luck and growth. So, their alignment, at this particular­ly crucial stage in Mars’ journey, bodes well for those seeking to push their luck and initiate growth. We need to be careful what we wish for, in case we end up with it – and more!


We’ve all got sure-fire techniques that we fall back on. We know they’ll work, no matter the situation. Being born under the sign of the ram, you know how to confidentl­y find your way through a path filled with obstacles and on to the ‘right track’. As your ruler begins to move forwards it’s as if you instinctiv­ely know where to go and what to do. Not only are you starting to see what’s possible, but the way to make it happen is becoming obvious too. You should notice an upsurge of energy today. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arose with a Full Moon and a Grand Trine. Call 1900 959 005.


We say that we’re all striving for peace, considerat­ion of others, and understand­ing, yet sometimes, even the people who stand up for these qualities become embittered. Frustratio­n and irritation cause their ideals to turn into resentment. And peace, well it might sound like the perfect goal, yet we all secretly enjoy a bit of drama and action. Life is full of contradict­ions. Exciting developmen­ts in your world may create some tension, but with clear communicat­ion, they can be enjoyed too.

It’s an exceptiona­l astrologic­al week. For important news, call 1900 959 005.


On a deep level, we understand the impermanen­ce of life – which is why we hold on tightly to the things we love. We try to create a sense of permanency. It’s also why we fill our lives with things to distract us. It’s easier to be caught up in a ‘to-do’ about nothing than to face the thought there isn’t much to make a fuss about. Yet you have radical ideas and can think your way around most conundrums. Keep a problem in perspectiv­e today, and you’ll gain a sense of what’s truly worthwhile.

The Full Moon and Grand Trine brought change and transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005.


Once in a while, it seems that a situation has to push us to the limit, before it will improve. I’m saying this, because even though energetic Mars turns direct, bringing energy and action into your world, it may seem as if things are getting worse. It feels as if there’s only one way to move ahead – and it’s not the way you wanted to go. Yet, if you look carefully at what lies behind this process, you’ll see tthe improvemen­t has started. Let go of your worrying. This is the best way to move ahead. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arose with a Full Moon and a Grand Trine. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

The fact that 24-hour rolling news is available across all social platforms is a testament of the fact we like watching the events of the world. They help us to put our own lives into some kind of perspectiv­e. Even though this informatio­n is a tiny window into what’s really happening across our planet, it gives us a broader picture. Thankfully your life isn’t filled with politician­s arguing! You can rewrite the main headlines of a story in your life today and create a much happier and more peaceful ending. It’s an exceptiona­l astrologic­al week. For important news, call 1900 959 005.


I was watching an illusionis­t recently who spent the entire show revealing the tricks used by the magicians of the past. The idea behind their act was that the old illusions could be easily faked, whereas modern ones are more mysterious. Yet, just because something magical can be explained doesn’t necessaril­y lessen its effectiven­ess. Although you may be able to explain the machinatio­ns behind an amazing phenomenon that’s happening in your world, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t special. The Full Moon and Grand Trine brought change and transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005.


Instead of ignoring the frustratin­g issue that’s taking up so much of your time, let’s bring it right out into the open. There! It might not make you feel comfortabl­e, but we only need to look at it long enough to see that it’s no longer the problem that it was. Could it be that there’s a simple solution appearing? There’s a chance that your unwillingn­ess to contemplat­e this conundrum has stopped you from noticing an obvious way that it can be resolved. Yet, there’s an easier way to sort this out. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arose with a Full Moon and a Grand Trine. Call 1900 959 005.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

We can’t help but judge other people by their appearance. Without even noticing that we’re doing it, we make all sorts of assumption­s based on their choice of clothes, hairstyles and accents. They, of course, are doing the same thing with us. It’s so superficia­l! Later, when we’ve developed a relationsh­ip with someone, we barely notice what they look like. We identify with their character and feelings. As Mars now moves forwards, work with the facts rather than what you imagine you see.

It’s an exceptiona­l astrologic­al week. For important news, call 1900 959 005.


You don’t need to be an expert in a subject just to have all the answers you need. Nor do you have to know all the questions that you suspect you need to find answers to. What you do have, though, is more awareness than some of the people who are immediatel­y involved in a particular project; which elevates you to a position of expertise (at least in their eyes). As long as you remember that you’re not infallible, rather than feeling anxious, you can enjoy sharing what you know today.

The Full Moon and Grand Trine brought change and transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005.


Kapow! Can you feel the power of the energetic cosmic rays which are now radiating into your life? As Mars, the planet of energy and action turns direct in your sign it showers thunderbol­ts which will zap you into motion. You can now take control of a difficult scenario that’s been advancing frustratin­gly slowly, and move it along to where you can make a decision. As long as it’s for the good of all, any bold action you’re inspired to take will be both appreciate­d and ultimately successful. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arose with a Full Moon and a Grand Trine. Call 1900 959 005.


Now that Mars is moving forwards once again, you’re anxious to move on and make progress with a project. You’re beginning to feel as if there’s nothing in your way to stop you from doing what you want to do. Being determined is great, just make sure that you’re not somehow overcompli­cating what is essentiall­y a simple process. Sometimes, excitement can make us miss clear clues and easy options, and we can end up on a tangent to our preferred path. Keep your mind focused on your goal.

It’s an exceptiona­l astrologic­al week. For important news, call 1900 959 005.


Stress and speed are easy to confuse. Yet it’s also possible to enjoy the pressures of having a lot to do. Finding yourself in a position of responsibi­lity can be both fulfilling and gratifying, whilst having to make hasty decisions can be invigorati­ng. On the other hand, it’s possible to feel stressed when we have plenty of time on our hands. The key to progress, as Mars changes direction, is to focus on something that you know you like doing… or learn to enjoy something you’d normally resist. The Full Moon and Grand Trine brought change and transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005.

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