The Gold Coast Bulletin



BY any standards this week has been a momentous one for local dancer Savanna Haenel. Around a year ago she left home to start work at The Lido in Paris as one of the famed Bluebell dancers. In some respects it was almost preordaine­d as Savanna’s mother Corina Burgess-Haenel was also a Bluebell while her aunt Marissa Burgess was the lead at Moulin Rouge for more than 20 years. In keeping with that proud family tradition, Savanna, at just 19 years old, has just been promoted to principal dancer at The Lido. To add to the heady mix for Savanna she has also been asked to model in Paris Fashion Week and sat for her first French exam at Sorbonne University. And proud mother Corina? “I was so excited when I received the news that I almost forgot to send her some flowers for her big opening night.” It’s a long way from Robina to Paris.

 ??  ?? Savanna Haenel and her mum Corina Burgess-Haenel.
Savanna Haenel and her mum Corina Burgess-Haenel.

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