The Weekend Post

Committed to pro-choice


I AM writing in reply to comments in the

Cairns Post (20/10) attributed to Cr Richie Bates of Cairns Regional Council.

The comments referred to my position on fluoride as being “non-committal”. Nothing could be further from the truth.

While, I personally am happy to drink water with fluoride, it is clear to me that many other Cairns residents are not.

My position is one of pro-choice, as I believe it wold be inappropri­ate to force a substance onto many people who clearly don’t want it.

I find Mr Bates’ position, that he knows what’s best and is prepared to force that on others, as highly undemocrat­ic. We don’t want that sort of dictatoria­l attitude in Cairns and whether our people want fluoride or not, should be their right to choose. Rob Pyne, Member for Cairns

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