The Weekend Post



THETH use of essential oils for medicinal purposes can be documented­do throughout history. OilsOi are derived from distilling plants such as lavender, peppermint­pe and eucalyptus to yield their characteri­stic aroma in liquidliq form. Aromathera­pyAr has gained popularity as a form of alternativ­e medicineme in recent decades and is also often used in conjunctio­n withwi massage to enhance relaxation. CairnsCa woman Rebecca Raymond has become passionate about essentiale­s oils after using them to support her husband who was injuredinj in a fall. SheSh is now running classes to share the benefits of the oils and howho they can be used to improve health and wellbeing for adults, childrench and pets. TheTh classes are being held at the Cairns Botanic Gardens Cafe everyev Saturday at 10am and 2pm and run between 40-60mins.

WHO TO CONTACT: Rebecca Raymond on 0466 971 741 or adropinhea­lth@gmail.comad WHATW GEAR: None required HOWHO MUCH: Free

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