Townsville Bulletin



Collette is definitely not terrible, despite the notorious onscreen condemnati­on of her character in her performanc­e in Muriel’s Wedding.

In fact, that breakout role kickstarte­d an acclaimed career that took her to Hollywood more than 20 years ago.

Her latest starring role is in the comedy- drama Madame, which has just premiered at the Sydney Film Festival.

The film centres around a wealthy US couple, played by Collette and Harvey Keitel, who have relocated to a Parisian manor house for a break.

While there, they throw a dinner party but at the last minute their maid joins the party in order to make up the numbers.

What ensues is a film that uncovers notions of class in a supposedly free society, as director and writer Amanda Sthers explores the meeting of capitalism with old- world European ideals.

“I wanted this cultural shock and have this couple trying to make it work in Paris with the cliche of the romantic city,” Sthers says.

In the movie, Collette takes on her most narcissist­ic role yet but the actor was actually the easiest to work with, according to the director.

“She’s like a clock, she’s so steady,” Sthers says. “She can do all the same things she just did, even moving her hair at the same moment, but when you see it it’s just completely natural. So you don’t understand how she’s doing it.

“You don’t feel she’s acting and she just changes the slightest thing you ask her to change. She’s the most amazing actor I’ve ever seen.”

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