Travel Bulletin

TA fishing for visitors


TOURISM Australia launched an enhancemen­t to its ‘Nothing like Australia’ campaign at last month’s Australian Tourism Exchange, and this time it’s all about fishing. TA managing director John O’sullivan told travelbull­etin the move followed research which showed it was an area of “untapped tourism potential,” with more than 300,000 internatio­nal visitors throwing in a line last year, representi­ng 5% of all inbound tourists. “Fishing is one of Australia’s biggest sports and leisure pastimes, but internatio­nal awareness of just how much our country has to offer in this area is something we want to improve,” O’sullivan said. The appearance at Australian Tourism Exchange by Australian Hollywood superhunk Chris Hemsworth also set many hearts-a-flutter. Hemsworth, whose gravelly tones underscore Tourism Australia’s latest campaign collateral, turned up at the official ATE welcome event where he gave a candid presentati­on about his favourite holiday spots in Australia.

Fishing is one of Australia’s biggest sports and leisure pastimes

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