Travel Daily

VA adds two years


VIRGIN Australia has automatica­lly extended the validity of all tickets issued where the first travel coupon date is between 01 Jan and 31 Oct 2020, regardless of the ticketing date.

These tickets now have their validity extended to 731 days from the date of the first outbound flight on the ticket.

Agents wishing to extend ticket validity on tickets for travel outside those dates may exchange tickets to a travel date prior to 31 Oct 2020 to secure the two-year extension of validity.

VA has also updated its Conditiona­l Credit Commercial Policy, with the new version valid for travel through to 21 Oct.

After that date Conditiona­l Credits will be replaced with a new Future Flight Credit which will be valued at the base fare plus taxes excluding fees.

The full Future Flight Credit Commercial policy, which is part of the Bain Capital proposal for the purchase of the airline, will be published on 22 Oct, VA said.

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