Wheels (Australia)


- Miles Nelson, via email

Recently while sitting at an intersecti­on waiting my turn, a fairly constant conga line of Commodores and Falcons passed me by. I called out each model as it passed: VT...VE... EL...VZ... FG.. BA...VF... AU... another VZ... The procession of Aussie metal made me lament the passing of Australian car manufactur­ing.

It also got me wondering: what will that conga line of cars look like in 10 years when these older Aussie cars finally get to the end of their working lives? What will these Commodore and Falcon drivers replace their beloved Aussie car with in the future? Not a rear-drive local that is going to give the length of service or be better value for money.

In other words, all the reasons why they bought their Australian car in the first place, will no longer be an option to them.

However my melancholy for the end of the car industry and never again seeing an Australian car on the cover of Wheels lifted when I spotted the May 2018 edition. After buying and devouring the magazine, the new Brabham surpassed several Mclarens, Ferraris, Aston Martins and Porsches to be at the top of my supercar wishlist.

I truly hope that David Brabham can make a success of this venture. The Brabham BT62 supercar is a symbol of hope and pride for this country. It arouses the belief that we can still be a car manufactur­ing nation, even if the vehicle will be out of reach for the average punter like myself. While my bank account will only allow two humble Holdens to fill my garage, another Australian brand has just entered my heart.

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