One Last Thing


- By Julie Jordan

Last thing I took from a set

One of the jumpsuits with the cape on it from Hot Rod. It’s in my closet in case I need to bust it out for some reason.

Last injury

Probably every week I’m a little bit injuring my neck and back picking up my kid [his 3-yearold daughter]. I definitely have reached the age where I should be stretching. On the days I don’t, there’s a lot of: “No, I can’t pick you up right now, sweetie.”

Last thing I discovered about myself

I don’t want to say that I’m cooking a lot during quarantine, but I have a few times. I’ve been trying to make Chef Ludo’s omelette from Petit Trois restaurant in LA. I’ve gotten decent at it.

Last time I stayed up too late

Father’s Day. My wife [Joanna Newsom] and I were drinking and watching the new season of Queer Eye. The child has been sleeping a little later, which is a godsend.

Last time I was recognised

You know, I’ve run a few errands wearing a mask and haven’t been recently. It was kind of cool. It’s funny – you see photos online now, and you’re like, “Um, I take your word for who you say that is.” It’s a strange time.

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