Woman’s Day (Australia)

Kathy Bates’ weight-loss secret & new lease on life

After being dogged with health dramasdram­as, the veteran actress has a new lease on life


Oscar winner Kathy Bates is looking better than ever after losing a staggering 27kg! The breast and ovarian cancer survivor piled on the kilos after being diagnosed with lymphedema – which causes severe swelling of the arms and legs – following a double mastectomy in 2012. But the 70-year-old reveals herr weight loss has helped ease the pain of her condition.

“I’m feeling great,” the veteran actress says. “I’ve lostt a lot of weight and it’s really helped with my symptoms.”

Now the star reveals the secret to achieving her jawdroppin­g new figure, crediting her success to mindfulnes­s.

“My niece told me this little secret,” she spills. “At some point when you’re eating, you have this involuntar­y sigh and that’s really your brain and yourur stomach communicat­ing that you’ve had enough. The trick is to pay attention to that and push your plate away.”

Kathy also cut out junk food and admits her transforma­tion took a few years. “You have too be patient,” she confesses. “I don’t like the word willpower, but I like the word determinat­ion.”

 ??  ?? 2014 “It took a few years,” she admits about her dramatic weight loss. NOW The Misery star says she feels “like a completely different person”.
2014 “It took a few years,” she admits about her dramatic weight loss. NOW The Misery star says she feels “like a completely different person”.

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