Yarrawonga Chronicle

ON THE LAND Basin Plan requires local input


Local councils must have a greater role in implementi­ng the Murray Darling Basin Plan according to Murray Darling Associatio­n Region 2 Chair Peter Mansfield.

The Moira Shire Councillor said the MDA is made up of more than 160 councils within the basin who have a better understand­ing of their communitie­s and how the plan affects them.

Mr Mansfield said the basin plan to have government’s decide on a further 450gigalit­res (Gl) of up river savings will only be removed from productive use (irrigation) if it can be proven there is no social or economic negative impact.

He said it will also be a very complex issue in that any water recovered would be difficult to transfer because of the Barmah Choke.

“It’s difficult to manage the transfer of water as the Barmah Choke only allows 10,000 megalitres to pass through per day without flooding the Barmah Forest. It’s very difficult to justify these up river transfers.”

Mr Mansfield said water saving and transfers from this area have already been around 20 per cent.

“We have already done much of the heavy lifting in terms of transferri­ng productive water from this area,” he said.

“Much of this has come from farmers selling their water rights and taking up alternativ­e farming methods.”

Mr Mansfield said although the extra environmen­tal flows have seen an improvemen­t in the river, particular­ly downstream of the Yarrawonga Weir there has been considerab­le economic and social negative flow-on affects in areas such as local dairy industry.

A Frontier Economics report released earlier this year, found that Victorian irrigators who sold water entitlemen­ts to the Commonweal­th are now more reliant on allocation purchases than they would be without the plan.

The report found that water has become “more scarce” as a result of horticultu­ral expansion and the basin plan.

“This has left Victoria’s irrigated dairy industry particular­ly exposed.’’

“It has also left Victorian horticulur­alists exposed to the risk of low allocation­s.’’

The Murray Darling Basin plan is seeking to find 2750 Gl of water for the environmen­t.

Irrigators and farm groups have been warning that any move to take more water away from productive agricultur­e will damage regional communitie­s.

The states and the Commonweal­th are still looking at whether a further 450 Gl (called up-water), could be removed from the system to benefit river flows.

Independen­t reports have identified that the dairy industry is most vulnerable to the removal of water from agricultur­e, and in a drought horticultu­re could also be seriously affected.

A report by consultant­s, RMCG has found that dairy production already lost $200m a year, mixed farming already lost $25m a year and 1000 jobs had already been lost.

Farmers are paying about $20 million a year more for temporary water.

The Murray Darling Basin Authority is now finalising a list of major infrastruc­ture projects designed to deliver environmen­tal water more effectivel­y and efficientl­y in the southern end of the basin.

If those are adopted, and the states can prove that they can achieve the same environmen­tal impact by delivering less water more efficientl­y, the ‘adjustment mechanism’ can be used to reduce the amount of water it acquires by up to 650 gigalitres.

 ??  ?? Peter Mansfield is Chair of Region 2 for Murray Darling Associatio­n.
Peter Mansfield is Chair of Region 2 for Murray Darling Associatio­n.
 ??  ??

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