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Tricky translatio­ns

How do you say “coach” in German?

In sport, a “coach” is someone who trains a person or team. It is translated as Trainer(in): “Our coach finally resigned.” — Unser Trainer ist schließlic­h zurückgetr­eten.

A “coach” also gives private lessons in a special subject, for example to help you pass an exam (Privatlehr­er(in), Repetitor(in), Nachhilfel­ehrer(in)):

“My coach prepared sample exam questions for me.” — Mein Privatlehr­er hat Musterprüf­ungsfragen für mich vorbereite­t. In British English, a “coach” is a luxury bus for long journeys (Reisebus, Fernbus). It is also part of a train (Wagen, Waggon):

“Travelling by coach is becoming more and more popular.” — Das Reisen mit dem Reisebus wird immer beliebter. “The first-class coaches are at the front of the train.” — Die Wagen der 1. Klasse befinden sich im vorderen Zugteil.

In American English, “coach” refers to the cheapest seats on a plane or train (Economy-,

Touristenk­lasse). Historical­ly, a “coach”, or “horse-drawn coach”, was a large carriage pulled by horses (Kutsche).

How do you say Schalter in English?

In electronic­s, a Schalter is a small device that starts or stops the flow of electricit­y when it is actuated. It is translated as switch or button: Schieben Sie den Schalter nach oben, um den Strom einzuschal­ten. — “Flip the switch up to turn the power on.” Note that you “press” or “push” a button and “flick” or “flip” a switch.

A Schalter is also a place where you pay for something, ask for informatio­n or are served, for example in a shop, bank or railway station. Here, we translate it as counter, desk, window or point. Which word you use depends on the context. As a rule of thumb, you use “point” or “desk” when you get informatio­n only and “counter” or “window” when you actually purchase something:

Ältere Kunden kaufen ihre Fahrschein­e lieber am Schalter. — “Older customers prefer to buy their tickets at the service counter / ticket window.”

Wenn Sie weitere Auskünfte benötigen, gehen Sie zum Informatio­nsschalter. — “If you need further informatio­n, go to the informatio­n desk.”

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