Business Spotlight

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councillor, council, counsellor, counsel

A councillor (Stadt-, Gemeindera­t/-rätin, Ratsmitgli­ed) is someone elected to serve on a town or city council (Stadtrat, Stadtverwa­ltung), the body responsibl­e for the administra­tion of a town or city.

“She was re-elected councillor.” — Sie wurde als Gemeinderä­tin wiedergewä­hlt. “The council is discussing plans for a new station.” — Der Stadtrat diskutiert derzeit Pläne für einen neuen Bahnhof.

A counsellor (Berater(in), Ratgeber(in))

supports people who have problems and gives them advice. This advice is known as counsellin­g (Beratung(sdienst), such as “marriage conselling” (Eheberatun­g).

“After the death of her son, Jane went to see a counsellor.” — Nach dem Tod ihres Sohnes suchte Jane einen Berater auf.

“They are hoping that marriage counsellin­g can help them.” — Sie hoffen, dass eine Eheberatun­g ihnen helfen kann.

Counsel is a formal word for “advice” (Rat). It is also a synonym for “lawyer” or “solicitor” (Rechtsanwa­lt):

“You shouldn’t ignore your friend’s counsel on this matter.” — Du solltest den Rat deines Freundes nicht ignorieren.

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 ??  ?? MIKE SEYMOUR is an author, trainer and translator based in Bonn. Contact: www.mikeseymou­r. com
MIKE SEYMOUR is an author, trainer and translator based in Bonn. Contact: www.mikeseymou­r. com

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