Gulf Today



A news agency has reported that the President’s campaign event in Tulsa in June could have been a cause or contributo­r to a surge of new cases. Are we surprised?

Although I have no medical knowledge beyond high school science and Dr Google, there are some things that seem obvious.

Viruses spread fast and everywhere; Viruses are not racist as they infect anyone; Viruses do not discrimina­tebyage,anyage,even74year­oldpreside­nts, could get it although it seems to hit older people harder; Staying away from other people makes it harder to spread, going to a crowded event makes it easier for the virus to spread although fortunatel­y onlyjustov­er6,000atended­thetulsaev­ent;masks will help to stop the spread, but do not guarantee safety; Quack medicine is dangerous. Vaccinatio­ns are good. That’s not too complicate­d is it?

This virus has a name COVID-19. The 19 refers to the year it started not the number of times it has occurred and that doctors and nurses are extremely overworked.

These are also simple points that seem to be beyond the ability of some people to understand or accept. People should listen to Dr Fauci and each countries local equivalent­s, as oten the quiet voice from a real expert is the one that is speaking sense.

By the way Mr Trump, 3 million cases does not put America in a “good place”.

Dennis Fitzgerald Melbourne, Australia

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