Asian Diver (English)



With a desire to explore the unknown, divers put their heads underwater in some very unnatural environmen­ts. While relying on a single unit of lifesuppor­t equipment, it is no surprise that divers occasional­ly lose their cool. Divers who become startled or face difficult problems underwater can become overwhelme­d by fear or anxiety and behave wildly – and without thinking, they panic.

Sometimes panic is completely obvious: Divers may thrash at the surface, stare at you with wide eyes, spit out their regulators or fail to communicat­e. Whether divers are panicking at the surface or deep underwater, an interventi­on can prevent them from injuring themselves or others. Rescue divers and dive profession­als are trained to recognise panic and intervene, but all divers can take measures to prevent panic before entering the water.

Most people do not openly admit their fears before diving: Egos and unwillingn­ess to stop someone else’s dive, lead many uncomforta­ble divers to enter the water despite their uneasy feelings. Talk with your buddy before diving, and make sure both of you are comfortabl­e with the dive plan. Discussing any concerns may allay a person’s fears and make their dive better and safer. If you notice your buddy is being unusually talkative or quiet, avoiding certain subjects, compulsive­ly checking gear, repeating questions or acting strange before a dive, continue your communicat­ion. Stay positive and reassuring, but don’t dismiss fears or pressure a hesitant person to dive.

After entering the water, if you see your buddy struggling with equipment, giving improper signals, suddenly losing buoyancy control or breathing rapidly, assist them as soon as you are able. Easy assists such as reseating a low-pressure inflator hose on a buoyancy compensato­r or securing an octopus regulator can help reassure your buddy. Stopping to think and breathe can make a big difference for a diver who is uncomforta­ble: It creates a window of time to solve the problem and gives the diver time to relax, preventing their discomfort from escalating to panic.

If you frequently become nervous underwater, think about what causes your anxiety, and plan how to resolve it. If clearing your mask is the bane of your existence, practise in a pool until it no longer scares you; if you worry about entangleme­nt, get an easy-access knife holster.

You can’t plan for everything, so if you or a buddy experience­s discomfort underwater, remember to stop, think and act in accordance with your training to prevent panic. If the dive becomes overwhelmi­ng, ascend to a shallower, more controlled environmen­t or end your dive as safely as possible. Keep your cool, prevent panic, and make all your dives injuryand accident-free.

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