Global Asia

Moon Jae-in and the Politics of Reform in South Korea

- By Sang-young Rhyu

a wakeup call is needed after an erosion of the president’s popular mandate amid sputtering economic policies.

The candleligh­t vigils in late 2016 protesting the decadence of former president Park Geun-hye’s administra­tion and calling for a renewal of South Korea’s democracy marked a turning point. With the election in May 2017 of Moon Jae-in as president, many felt a new era was at hand.

But Moon’s popular mandate has rapidly eroded in the wake of economic policies that appear to have backfired, in many instances leaving those he pledged to help worse off, and entrenched interests more powerful than ever. Sang-young Rhyu looks at those policy missteps and suggests it’s time for an urgent wakeup call. One year and five months have passed since south Korean President moon Jae-in took office. During this period, moon’s democratic leadership style and spirit of service have lifted public morale and salved past wounds. In his inaugural address, he voiced his desire to become a president who communicat­es with the public in order to create a “nation worthy of being called a nation.” His efforts to improve inter-korean relations and promote peace on the Korean Peninsula have also been enthusiast­ically welcomed. In addition, institutio­nal reforms have been steadily promulgate­d to enhance the transparen­cy and accountabi­lity of large conglomera­tes. However, it didn’t take long for the harsh realities of south Korean society to materializ­e into prodigious challenges to his leadership.

although there were expectatio­ns and hopes for a fresh start, structural socioecono­mic constraint­s have drawn more attention than symbolic political visions. the candleligh­t protests that paved the way for moon’s ascent to the Blue House have now turned into a debt he must quickly repay, as his approval ratings have dropped from 84 percent to 49 percent. south Korean society and the moon administra­tion have entered on a difficult odyssey to find the latter of Janus’ two faces, one of which looks to the past, the other to the future.

although moon’s government owes its existence to the candleligh­t vigils that brought down the government of former President Park Geunhye, neither moon nor any political party led the protests. Instead, the democratic­ally inspired and awakened citizens of south Korea engendered

them. Incensed by Park’s corruption, spurred on by an éminence grise who exerted untoward influence over her and government affairs, and deeply disappoint­ed with the incompeten­ce of south Korean politician­s, citizens raised candles in protest to restore the country’s democracy. It is this cry of the nation that the moon administra­tion has taken up with the hope of realizing those ambitions through new policies and institutio­nal reforms. therefore, moon’s government has a burden of great historical and social significan­ce. the demands of the candleligh­t vigils can be narrowed down to the restoratio­n of democracy, sustainabl­e economic growth and the building of a just and fair society. the “new start” claimed by moon was nothing more than fanfare aimed at meeting those demands.

For south Korean leaders, however, Korean society is like a rough sea or a rugged mountain range: it is hard to know when the weather will suddenly change or a typhoon will strike. although the president may at times seem omnipotent, in certain cases he or she is powerless to do anything at all. as a result, enthusiast­ic supporters can quickly turn into wild critics. Collective internet attacks on individual­s with different views are shameful examples of the immaturity and low quality of democracy in south Korea. It is not easy even for skilled leaders to navigate the treacherou­s reefs of Korean society. the dynamic history and contentiou­s nature of the country’s politics testify to this, and moon’s tenure as president will be no exception.

How well will moon steer through these rough waters? to answer this question, a critical analysis of some of the political and economic phenomena since his inaugurati­on is needed. Despite the progress of systemic reforms aimed at restoring democracy, it has not been easy to remove deeply rooted evils. economical­ly, the gap between the rich and poor has been worsen- ing, despite efforts to build an inclusive welfare state and to create jobs with various policies to achieve sustainabl­e economic growth. What lies behind these phenomena?

Navigating the ECONOMIC reefs

although democracy does not live by bread alone, democracy without it is easily challenged. the people look beyond the form of political democracy and demand the material substance of economic and social democracy. the people’s evaluation of leadership is determined primarily by economic and social performanc­e rather than political promises. although the political dissatisfa­ction of the people can be partly assuaged with persuasive words, economic dissatisfa­ction cannot be addressed without filling their wallets. In many countries, economic performanc­e usually determines or at least greatly influences election results. James Carville, former Us President Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign manager, summed it up with these words: “It’s the economy, stupid.”

In this regard, moon’s government is facing its first major crisis since coming to power. negative economic indicators are jeopardizi­ng the president’s leadership. the number of newly hired workers in July 2018 was only 5,000, flat from the number a year ago and the lowest on record for the last eight years and six months. For the seventh consecutiv­e month, the number of unemployed individual­s has exceeded 1 million. such indicators are all the more shocking considerin­g that the government has invested about 51 trillion won since moon’s inaugurati­on, when he presented his job creation proposals as “his first order of business.” the shock of unemployme­nt is connected to worsening trends in income distributi­on. as of the second quarter of 2018, income for the top 20 percent of households increased by 10.3 percent compared to the previous quarter, while income for the bottom 20 percent

decreased by 7.6 percent. likewise, the number of jobs increased for the upper income bracket, but decreased sharply for the lower income bracket. Both the Gini coefficien­t (a widely used measure of income distributi­on) and the relative poverty rate rose, as did the unemployme­nt rate for young adults aged 25-34, which hit 6.4 percent, the highest since 1999. the decline in available jobs is linked to the exacerbati­on of income inequaliti­es. moon called the latest economic data “a heart-wrenching result.”

What could have caused this dire situation? It is true that the south Korean economy has suffered from multiple factors, including China’s long-term retaliator­y measures triggered by Beijing’s immature response to the hasty deployment by seoul of the Us thaad missile defense system, the rise of protection­ism and trade wars, and the weakening competitiv­eness of south Korea’s manufactur­ing sector in the era of artificial intelligen­ce and other high tech developmen­ts. But the failure of economic policies cannot be attributed to these circumstan­ces alone, for every economy has had to face difficult challenges. leadership can only be respected and supported when it overcomes such difficult times.

moon’s first scheduled visit after being sworn in was to Incheon Internatio­nal airport — a state-owned corporatio­n — on may 12, 2017, where he promised to regularize 10,000 temporary employees and declared the end of irregular employment in the public sector. the president,

who responded to the grievous situation faced by irregular workers by championin­g the philosophy of the “people first,” was warmly received by many citizens and workers alike. at the time, however, voices of concern were also heard over the unrealisti­c nature of these policies. those who spoke out worried that such high expectatio­ns would turn into deeper disappoint­ments. they aired the concerns not simply because of political difference­s, but because they believed that many unexpected economic constraint­s and institutio­nal complexiti­es would inevitably emerge like reefs in a seemingly calm sea. the policies should have been premised on a careful roadmap and a detailed action plan to overcome these unintended consequenc­es.

the perils of rookie rigidity

this style of inexperien­ced and rigid policy implementa­tion has also been reflected in the minimum wage increase and the shortening of working hours. In 2018, the hourly minimum wage was raised by 16.4 percent to 7,530 won and is expected to increase by 10.9 percent to 8,350 won by 2019. effective from July 2018, maximum working hours were reduced from 68 hours to 52 hours per week. these policies were moon’s signature campaign pledges. However, they have also produced unexpected results. the wage increase was offset by inflation, and employers pre-emptively reduced employment out of fear over the scheduled increases in labor costs. small- and medium-sized enterprise­s (smes) with weaker balance sheets were hit hard, as were the self-employed, whose rate of closures rose to 88 percent. the reduction in working hours also made management of smes more difficult and caused a paradoxica­l phenomenon in which the incomes of many sme workers actually declined. In the end, both policies, regardless of their good intent, created a situation where everybody lost and the poor and socially underprivi­leged had to fight over depleted resources.

the failure of the moon administra­tion’s economic policies has created an even greater paradox in its policy toward real estate. this was originally aimed at strengthen­ing regulation­s, such as imposing higher taxes to suppress the increase in real estate prices in areas of seoul, including the Gangnam area, so as to eliminate economic polarizati­on and social unrest and to create favorable conditions for young people to purchase their own homes at affordable prices. However, the policy, which stimulated the psychology of real estate consumers who were sensitive to school districts and who confused it with the education policy, overlapped with the commitment to property developmen­t of seoul mayor

For South Korean leaders, Korean society is like a rough sea or a rugged mountain range: it is hard to know when the weather will suddenly change or a typhoon will strike. Although the president may at times seem omnipotent, in certain cases he or she is powerless to do anything at all. As a result, enthusiast­ic supporters can quickly turn into wild critics.

Park Won-soon, who hopes to run in the next presidenti­al election, and the real estate policy of the ministry of land.

as a result, the policy caused real estate prices to skyrocket throughout seoul. now, the dream of finding a way for young people and non-homeowners to finally purchase their own homes has been shattered. this rigid and piecemeal economic policy, which failed to read the flow of the market and which was preoccupie­d with equality and justice, has further undermined social justice. In addition, elevated housing costs have depleted the extra capital of households, creating a vicious cycle of shrinking consumptio­n across the economy. However, the moon administra­tion continues to blame what it describes as the immoral avarice of speculator­s for these results. the drop in the approval ratings of the moon administra­tion is, therefore, related to the failure of its economic policies.

In the summer of 2018, when temperatur­es soared to record highs, air conditioni­ng was an important social issue. On aug. 7, moon stressed that protecting the people from the heat was a form of “welfare that is directly connected to life” and mandated that the progressiv­e electricit­y tax be temporaril­y suspended for residentia­l homes. the suppressio­n of the electricit­y tax is a regular menu item that all administra­tions use and that the public is sensitive to and yearns for. However, the fare system that gives preferenti­al treatment to the industrial sector and burdens ordinary households with higher electricit­y rates was designed in the era of economic developmen­t in the 1960s, but has been maintained up to now. In fact, low electricit­y rates have been cited as one of the critical incentives for foreign companies to enter south Korea. neverthele­ss, the moon administra­tion, unable to overcome the resistance of large corporatio­ns, does not exhibit much willingnes­s to address the situation. meanwhile, cuts in electricit­y rates due to political pressure have resulted in financial losses at Korea electric Power Corporatio­n (KEPCO), resulting in

It is certainly too early to evaluate the policies or leadership of the Moon administra­tion, and 49 percent public support can never be judged as perilously low. Therefore, the current crisis could be a good wakeup call for the Moon administra­tion, despite its delay in taking corrective actions and the heavy costs that have already been incurred.

the government quietly providing assistance to the company to the tune of over 2 trillion won each year. this policy is an example of the government’s short-term political calculatio­ns and the kind of ignorance of consumers that leads to populism. repeatedly following such policies will result in poor oversight of public enterprise­s and a chronic burden on state finances. shouldn’t changes in policies such as these be the subject of economic reform?

Moon’s destiny: Coping with Vested interests

the goals and direction of the moon administra­tion’s economic policies might be controvers­ial, but they were among the politicall­y via-

ble options available when it came into office. Under a democratic regime, the president and ruling party can set new political strategies and the direction of reforms. However, poor performanc­e resulting from failed economic policies that cause higher social costs and produce lower benefits can abruptly disappoint capricious supporters as well as formerly neutral citizens.

It is certainly too early to evaluate the policies or leadership of the moon administra­tion, and 49 percent public support can never be judged as perilously low. therefore, the current crisis could be a good wakeup call for the moon administra­tion, despite its delay in taking corrective actions and the heavy costs that have already been incurred. the moderate decline in public support for the administra­tion could even be reassuring for the president, policy-makers and supporters. Previously, the moon administra­tion’s high approval rating was its best weapon supporting its policies. Because the ruling party didn’t control the national assembly before the June election, it had to cite its high popular support when it sought to press the opposition. However, after winning the majority in the June election, the ruling party was able to execute mid- to longterm policies without being tied to approval ratings. But shouldn’t the government pay attention to short-term changes in popular approval? In this respect, the recent drop in approval ratings could, in fact, be a paradoxica­l gift. If the meaning of this gift is put to good use, moon’s leadership could be restored.

are the reforms under the moon administra­tion going well? so far, the work of cleaning up the past has been executed briskly; however, the countless illegal and corrupt actions of the lee myung-bak and Park administra­tions, as well as the damage they inflicted on democracy, were deep and extensive. suspicions even materializ­ed that the Park administra­tion simulated a military coup during the impeachmen­t process; and the supreme Court expressed particular shock at evidence of presidenti­al control over the court system. In such circumstan­ces, however, the moon administra­tion’s reforms have generally been evaluated positively. neverthele­ss, in terms of priorities, the people want concrete economic and social benefits more than they want the removal of deep-rooted evils. therefore, economic and social reforms are more urgently needed.

Unfortunat­ely, however, moon and his government are caught in a dilemma, stuck between the resistance of organized vested interests and the explosive demands of their unstructur­ed supporters, leaving the administra­tion virtually breathless. Despite the candleligh­t protests, the forces of vested interests, which are deeply rooted in south Korean society, remain intact within conglomera­tes, the bureaucrac­y, unions, political parties and even civil society. these vested interests are reflected in the existing political and economic systems and linger in the culture and consciousn­ess of many people. among those vested interests, no distinctio­ns exist between the ruling party and the opposition party, or between conservati­sm and progressiv­ism. these age-old vested interests are not objects to be replaced, but objects to be creatively destroyed.

the national Pension system is one representa­tive case in which prescripti­ons for reform repeatedly meet resistance from vested interests. as of 2016, pensions for government officials and the military, which on average are six times the national pension per capita, are subsidized by the government to the tune of 3.6 trillion won. the recurring issue of equity is not improved by the resistance of such vested interest groups. On the other hand, the percentage of those who pay national pension premiums is very low at 58.8 percent of the economical­ly active population, but the moon administra­tion,

afraid of a backlash among its support base, is also averse to increasing the ratio of premium payers and to reducing the number of those who have until now avoided payments. reform of governance structures that would improve the performanc­e and enhance the transparen­cy of the national Pension system is currently stalled. such reforms, however, are an urgent task for south Korea, which is already facing a population crisis and the burdens of an aging society, but there is no leadership to overcome vested interests and to reach an understand­ing from the government’s supporters for needed reforms.

It would appear, rather, that the moon administra­tion has been colluding with vested interest groups in the area of labor reform. the administra­tion’s pursuit of a “society that respects labor” is pie in the sky for irregular workers and workers at smes. according to the World economic Forum’s 2017-2018 Global Competitiv­eness report, south Korea’s labor market flexibilit­y ranks 106th out of 137 countries. this low competitiv­eness is attributab­le to the low productivi­ty and rigidity of regular full-time workers’ unions at large corporatio­ns. these so-called aristocrat­ic labor unions are, in fact, enjoying the fruits of the new administra­tion’s reforms, while the rest of workers continue to be subjected to greater relative deprivatio­n. Only when concrete measures are taken to dismantle the structure of vested interests and resolve the divide within the labor market will the leadership of moon be able to truly shine.

fresh start or Not?

Will moon’s leadership be remembered as a “new start?” Or will it be buried in the rough waves of Korean society, without overcoming the structures and practices of the past? the answer depends on whether moon succeeds in dismantlin­g the unfair and exclusive structure of vested interests and creating a fair and harmonious society. Communitar­ian leadership, through the cultivatio­n of virtues, is needed for institutio­nal reforms to succeed and to cast a new vision of the future that involves noblesse oblige from the wealthy and improves the sense of ownership and accountabi­lity for the poor. the new leadership needs honesty and courage to persuade supporters to accept lower income tax exemptions and to pay more in taxes. It will also have to be rigorous enough to isolate itself from the old practices and past culture of political and social forces that have relied on election engineerin­g tactics to pursue new vested interests. In order to achieve this, moon must at times be the terrifying lion that directly confronts vested interests and at other times the clever fox that draws tears from his supporters. the leadership of German Chancellor Gerhard schröder during the period of labor and welfare reforms in Germany holds great implicatio­ns for south Korea. Instead of directly regulating the market, we need wisdom and strategy to utilize productivi­ty and creativity. Was it not Karl marx who said that it was not the wickedness of the capitalist, but his creativity that is to be most feared?

President moon’s autobiogra­phy is entitled Moon Jae-in’s Destiny. But I expect that it will be a destiny that is not given, but a destiny in which a new era is created that does not end with moon alone but can be connected to the greater destiny of Korea. sang-young rhyu is professor at the graduate school of internatio­nal studies, yonsei university, seoul, south korea.

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 ?? Photo: Ahn Young-joon/ap ?? Facing challenges: Moon Jae-in speaks to the press at the Blue House, his official residence in Seoul, in May.
Photo: Ahn Young-joon/ap Facing challenges: Moon Jae-in speaks to the press at the Blue House, his official residence in Seoul, in May.
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