Annapolis Valley Register


- Bev Richardson Berwick

Dar lene Mallory of Moncton and sister Barb Hughes of Halifax visited w with Marjorie Saunders, Aug. 13.

There were five tables of 45s in play at the Rebekah Hall, Aug. 13. Prize winners were first, Betty Jean Smith; second, Larry Woodman; third, Minnie Hamilton; fourth, Roxie Redden; door prize, Betty Jean Smith; and 50/50, Andrea Hale.

Harris and Thelma Huntley’s grandson Mark Huntley and his wife, Ashley, from Whitehorse, visited on Aug. 19 with his grandparen­ts. They all had lunch at the Union Street Café. They have been visiting in Nova Scotia with their parents.

The Dalhousie Fair takes place this weekend on Aug. 27. As their parade starts at 2 p.m. and the road is closed off ahead of time, make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get there. If you like music, horse and ox pulls, and/or eating (not necessaril­y in that order) this is the place to be. Many other activities will be happening as well and it’s an all-day affair.

Coming up on Sept. 1 is the United Church luncheon. It runs from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. and is only $10.

Looking ahead, the Rebekahs plan to have a supper coming up in September.

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