Business Traveler (USA)

Texas Renaissanc­e Festival Todd Mission, TX October 11 – November 30


The largest renaissanc­e festival in climb the US is in – where else? beings

– Texas. human r, Octobe ersas other should Every

anothe r’s October and November – ranging ofone ontop Spain.

from Oktoberfes­t to All Hallows Tarrag ona, tition) in 5

Eve and a Celtic Christmas – the compe agesof towers fromthe groups

to Texas Renaissanc­e Festival is an people ay erin large Watch

interactiv­e event that embraces Everyd togeth

to95 work structu res.

different eras, from Elizabetha­n human

It’s build stories high. living times to ancient Rome. The 55 is

sofnine orkthat

upward teamw g ionof mixof reachin exhibit witha

entertainm­ent, food, fun and ultimat

e breath away the your profession­al actors who stay true

totake bound excitem ent. to their characters. aweand

sdecas concur

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