Calgary Herald

Collaborat­ion helps the community


Re: “Calgary council approves $5.15 monthly transit pass for city’s poorest riders,” July 26

We applaud city council on its unanimous decision. It demonstrat­es what is possible when the community comes together to work on an issue. Over many months, community stakeholde­rs such as Fairs Fare, Disability Action Hall, Poverty Talks and Vibrant Communitie­s Calgary along with city and transit staff worked on improving access to transporta­tion for the most vulnerable. They developed the concept of a sliding-scale transit pass.

This action is one more very important step in the implementa­tion of Enough for All, Calgary’s poverty reduction strategy. With food and housing, transporta­tion is a basic need. Together as a city we are giving our poorest brothers and sisters a hand up by greatly improving their access to transporta­tion. Franco Savoia, Vibrant Communitie­s Calgary

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