Calgary Herald

Outsiders shouldn’t influence elections


Re: “MPs urged to safeguard ‘integrity’ of elections,” May 24.

The United States is still embroiled in its investigat­ion of foreign influence in their most recent election.

Albeit their investigat­ion involves Russia, newly elected President Donald Trump, many people in the Trump administra­tion and every agency of U.S. intelligen­ce.

The situation in the United States is serious and needs to be investigat­ed to find the truth. Our own Canadian election process is now in the news for similar reasons — outside influence to help non-Conservati­ve candidates get elected.

The Canadian situation does not have the same degree of espionage intrigue compared with the U.S., but we do need to conduct the investigat­ion.

The investigat­ion will prove, one way or the other, if the influence occurred, who was involved, who benefited, and what electoral processes need to be changed.

We, as Canadians, need to know that our electoral processes are fair and without outside influence. Brian McConaghy, Heritage Pointe

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