Calgary Herald

Hate often has roots in ignorance


Re: Police-reported hate crimes rose in Alberta in 2015, StatsCan says, June 14

Alberta makes news by becoming the leader in hate crimes. Why?

The simple answer is the economy, but I would argue it runs deeper than that.

Every time someone expresses hatred toward a politician, it adds to the level of hate.

Every time someone expresses hatred toward a Muslim or any other identifiab­le group, it adds to the level of hate.

I would argue that the level of acceptable language has declined to the point of ignorance.

Language is a powerful tool that is often abused, exploited and mistreated. Some have become comfortabl­e expressing views they haven’t bothered to understand or research.

A consequenc­e of this is a freedom to offer hatred instead of understand­ing, love and compassion.

It is time that we erase the word “hate” from our vocabulary and, more importantl­y, from people’s behaviours.

Barry Johns, Sylvan Lake

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