Calgary Herald



With freckles being such a big beauty trend this year, a new style of freckle tattoos has emerged that maps out constellat­ions and astrologic­al signs using a smattering of semi-permanent tiny dots.

Known as AstroFreck­s, the creation comes from Jessica Knapik, a Michiganba­sed cosmetic tattoo artist.

“As many people are right now, I’m super into crystals and what your best intentions can do, and sending your goals and wishes out into the universe,” Knapik told Bustle.

Knapik applies the star sign using a semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing technique. The freckles fade a bit over time.

“It’s perfect for freckles, because the older ones will be more faint and the newer ones will be darker, exactly like real freckles,” she says.

Since posting pics of her first tattoo on Instagram, Knapik’s creation has gone viral.

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