Canadian Franchise

Misconcept­ions In Franchisin­g

Wayne Maillet | Founder and Franchise Management Consultant Franchise Specialist­s


It has made it easier for anyone with strong desire to get into business for themselves but not by themselves. The franchise growth model has dramatical­ly influenced the economy and has been responsibl­e for generating employment. Every year there are many individual­s just like you who take steps to improve their lives by becoming a franchisee.

Despite this undisputed success, I am constantly surprised that there continues to be misconcept­ions or a lack of knowledge regarding franchisin­g. Over my 30 plus years involved in franchisin­g, I have noted many individual­s avoid franchisin­g as a result of these misunderst­andings, while others acquire a franchise for the wrong reasons. By understand­ing franchisin­g you will be in a better position to make an informed decision and determine if franchisin­g is right for you.

Some of the most common misconcept­ions are as follows:

Misconcept­ion: Franchisin­g is too expensive

Often entreprene­urs will not consider a franchise for they feel it is too expensive. They can save money and reduce operating costs by doing the business on their own. They have heard of franchises requiring an investment in the millions of dollars. This is true, especially of some food and retail franchises that require costly equipment, furniture and leasehold improvemen­ts. However, today there are franchises available in almost any industry. Some home based franchises require an investment as low as $10,000. One has to access the opportunit­y that best fits with their budget and will bring them personal satisfacti­on, based on their needs and financial constraint­s.

Misconcept­ion: Franchisor­s will sell the franchise to anyone who has the money

That may have been the case a long time ago when franchisin­g was just getting started but franchisor­s have now learned that this is not how to build a successful brand. Yes, franchisee­s are investing their time, effort and savings. But the franchisor is also investing time, effort and their brand. It is a mutual decisionma­king process with good franchisor­s being selective as to whom they award the franchise to. Both parties must do their due diligence to ensure that this is the right decision and the new franchisee has the best chance for success. This success enhances the value of the brand.

Misconcept­ion: Franchisin­g does not allow for creativity

Some entreprene­urs will avoid investing in a franchise for they feel that their creativity would be hindered by the

franchisor putting too many restrictio­ns on the business and forcing complete compliance with the business operating system. In some cases, this is true, and it does require considerat­ion. Franchisin­g may not be right for some people. The reality, however, is that most franchises allow for franchisee­s to adapt the concept to their market and permit creativity to benefit the system. Many franchisor­s will allow controlled variations on the system and permit the brand to evolve and develop with the input of franchisee­s. It is one of the benefits of franchisin­g, where the combined experience­s of the franchisee­s can come up with improvemen­ts to the business model that will benefit the system as a whole. The degree of creativity permitted will vary from franchise to franchise, with new emerging systems allowing the most creativity. Research the franchise you are looking at to confirm what is permitted and within what framework.

Misconcept­ion: As an owner, I can do whatever I want

Just as many franchisor­s do allow for creativity, it does not allow for the opposite extreme where a franchisee can do whatever it wants once it has acquired the franchise. This misconcept­ion stems from an ownership mentality. You must be aware that as a franchisee you are granted a license to operate the franchisor’s business model and use its brand. It is a license to use but does not constitute ownership. A franchisee does not buy the name and logo but simply acquires the right to use it within the guidelines set out in the license agreement and the operation manuals. A strong franchisor will maintain control over the use in order to protect the integrity of the brand. Uniformity is important to develop the brand and allow the customer to have a consistent experience between franchised locations. At the same time the franchise business model does evolve over time to be competitiv­e and franchisor­s will typically seek input from franchisee­s and ensures that all locations are evolving together.

Misconcept­ion: A franchise will eliminate risk

Some entreprene­urs acquire a franchise thinking that they will eliminate risk and be automatica­lly successful. Some misinforme­d franchisee­s have false expectatio­ns, thinking that they can just open the doors, sit back, and the profits will start rolling in immediatel­y. A good franchise will only reduce the risk. It provides a road map of a proven business formula. It still requires hard work and commitment to building your business. Different franchises will grow at different rates. You need to determine prior to opening your business what will be your growth rate and what will be required on your part to make it successful. Be sure that you are prepared to make the commitment and have set aside sufficient working capital to finance the initial months of the business while allowing you to pay your personal bills. A good franchisor will assist you in the review process and will have you go through an applicatio­n process to determine if you have the necessary skills to be successful in their particular franchise. A good franchise will only reduce risk. It provides you with a proven business formula. It still requires hard work!

Misconcept­ion: The more you invest the greater your dollar return

This misconcept­ion stems from an investor mentality. It is normal for an investor to expect that if you invest a million dollars you will get a greater dollar return than if you invest $10,000. This formula has not proven to be the case in franchisin­g. You can make a substantia­l return on a low investment. Unlike the stock market and other passive investment­s, a franchise investment and its returns are largely dependent upon you and your ability to implement the business model and effectivel­y manage the business. To accurately assess what the return will be you will want to investigat­e the franchise thoroughly as well as access your abilities and skills as they relate to the needs of the business. Do not rely solely upon projection­s if they are provided to you by the franchisor. Contact numerous existing franchisee­s within the franchised system to find out what profits they are experienci­ng.


Franchisin­g has had huge success and has allowed many individual­s to achieve their dream and goals. Don’t make your business decision based on misinforma­tion or misconcept­ions. Not all franchises are the same. Take your time to do your due diligence and find the opportunit­y that is right for you. Talk to existing franchisee­s of the system. Use the resources of a franchise consultant, a lawyer and an accountant.

Ultimately the business should be a vehicle for you to achieve what you want out of life. Everyone’s dreams and aspiration­s are different. Today, prospectiv­e franchisee­s have a variety of different franchises to choose from. Identify the opportunit­y that will bring you the dollar returns you need and want, that is a business that will provide you with the lifestyle you are looking for and has the uniformity to provide the benefits of a strong brand.

Wayne Maillet is a franchise management consultant and founder of the consulting company Franchise Specialist­s. Respected within franchise circles, he brings a realistic, practical understand­ing of business and franchisin­g. This article is based on excerpts from his book, Franchisin­g Demystifie­d. The book can be ordered through most book retailers or directly from the publisher at www.franchisin­gdemystifi­ . From choosing the right franchise, to the renewal of your agreement, Franchisin­g Demystifie­d will help you make the right decision and maximize your investment.

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Wayne Maillet

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