Cape Breton Post



South put up dummy's king to continue with a low diamond for the queen and king as East discarded a heart. West was in a tough position since he could not return a heart but chose to switch to the deuce of clubs for the six, ten and king. Declarer followed with a diamond to the eight, then led a heart to the jack. He cashed the ace of hearts and played a diamond to the ten to emerge with nine tricks and the game bonus, N-S +400.

East's pre-emptive single jump overcall had not deterred South from advancing to the nine-trick game. East was reluctant to offer a three-level pre-empt despite holding a seven card suit at this vulnerabil­ity. In truth, South would still venture 3NT if he had risked a three heart overcall.

The interferen­ce had aided South in the play of the hand, to be sure.

West would likely have started with a fourth best spade when East refuses to participat­e in the auction. This beginning costs a trick when South inserts dummy's nine to again play a low diamond towards the closed hand. East shows out but the defense will be unable to prevent declarer from scoring nine tricks and there will be chance of an overtrick.

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