Edmonton Journal

There is a plan to respond to wildfires


Re. “As wildfires worsen, we need to find a way to respond,” Graham Thomson, June 15

What’s a better expenditur­e of limited resources? A) Spend billions on reducing man-made greenhouse gas emissions by 1/10th of one per cent by 2050 with no way of tracking whether or not that will have any effect?

Or B) Spend millions expanding and implementi­ng the Alberta FireSmart program? I pick B.

Graham Thomson’s logic goes off the rails after stating government and society don’t seem to have a handle on responding to wildfires. Actually we do. Alberta Agricultur­e and Forestry calls it FireSmart.

It may not be up to handling another Fort McMurray fire but it’s what we have right now. It can be improved. Why has no one asked Fort McMurray council what they were doing about the FireSmart program before May 3, 2016 and what are they doing about it this week.

The same goes for asking the Alberta government what they’re currently doing to encourage implementa­tion.

Al Boychuk, Edmonton

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