Edmonton Journal


- edited by will shortz


1 East Asia gambling locale

6 Loses strength 11 Grocery chain inits. 14 Start of a dieter’s brag 15 Like krypton

16 Down for the count, for short 17 Deputy marshal at 62-Across

19 Close down

20 Initial progress 21 Peyote

23 Track star with

an apt name 25 Healing lotion 26 Uneasy sensation 31 Wishful place? 33 Potato chip brand 34 Bring together again 36 Cuisine heavy in

rice and spices

38 Kind of republic

39 Toy in a crib

42 See 60-Down 44 Detect

45 Be hot under the collar 47 San ___, Italy

49 Banks of Chicago 50 Broadway backer 52 Punishment that might

follow a summons 54 Earthy colors 56 Some fish bait 61 Club for swingers 62 See 28-Down … or a punny descriptio­n of this puzzle’s circled answers? 65 In the mode of 66 Silly sorts

67 It may be stolen

on a movie set 68 Crunchy lunch order 69 Schindler of “Schindler’s List” 70 Pends


1 Prefix with summer 2 Gazillions

3 Designer Chanel 4 Queens’s ___ Stadium 5 However, in a tweet 6 Tall and supple

7 Out of gear 8 Commanded 9 Disneyland transport 10 Ocular woes

11 Outlaw at 62-Across 12 Cheer before “Beat Army!” 13 Confuses

18 Court setup? 22 Private, often 24 “Everyone needs a little ___” (cable channel slogan) 26 Wall St. trader 27 Grant-making grp. 28 With 62-Across, renowned 1881 event that lasted about 30 seconds 29 Angry boxer, e.g. 30 Baseball’s Martinez 32 Logan of “60 Minutes” 35 Expo

37 Actor Gyllenhaal 40 Him, to Henri

41 Saison sur la Seine 43 Cool, in dated slang 44 Handle 45 Thick-trunked tree 46 Ready at any time 48 Cocktail at brunch 51 Set loose 53 Bottom-of-letter abbr. 55 “___ Funny That Way”

(classic song) 57 Nibble (on)

58 Sea predator

59 State bird of Arizona

or South Carolina 60 With 42-Across,

coolness of mind 63 Cartoon cry 64 Guitarist Paul

 ??  ??

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