ELLE (Canada)



Got high- maintenanc­e skin?

Memorize this.

Be on the lookout for “fragrance” or “parfum” on labels. According

to the Environmen­tal Working Group, these words are used to describe an undisclose­d cocktail of potentiall­y irritating ingredient­s.

Be mindful of laundry detergents, household cleaners, candles, soaps and hand sanitizers. If you wash

your towels or bedsheets in a detergent containing an irritating fragrance, your skin isn’t getting

much of a break. Avoid antibiotic ointments, unless prescribed by a dermatolog­ist. “Bacitracin, an over-the-counter antibiotic, is a common allergen,”

says Landells. The Canadian Dermatolog­y Associatio­n (dermatolog­y.ca) offers the Skin Health Program, which helps Canadians find products that are less likely

to irritate sensitive skin.

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