Fashion (Canada)

Safe Sun

All skin tones can enjoy the perks of self-tanners thanks to inclusive options, and the latest hero formulas do so much more than bronze.


Beauty director Natasha Bruno explores selftanner­s for all skin tones.

Self-tanners sure have come a long way. Today, there are lots of innovative formats to dabble in—from mousses to sprays to overnight facial masks to mixable drops—and the best formulas are spiked with ingredient­s like hyaluronic acid, hydrating oils and encapsulat­ed retinol. Many brands have also successful­ly masked that funky sunless-tanner smell—a natural after-effect of dihydroxya­cetone (a.k.a. DHA) reacting with skin. Derived from sugars, DHA is a skin-darkening agent that acts on proteins in the topmost layer of skin, which is composed of dead cells.

In addition to being a much safer option than exposing yourself to harmful ultraviole­t rays, bottled bronze has become more inclusive of richer skin tones.

Just take it from Los Angeles-based faux-tanning pro to the stars and Pradas Glow founder Kristyn Pradas. Pradas was the resident skin-finishing expert for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show for a steady six years and has tanned down many a supermodel, from Gigi Hadid to Joan Smalls. “Self-tanner can help colour-correct your undertone,” says Pradas of the sunless pick-me-up. “Certain self-tanners will cancel out yellow, pink or red in your skin. Other shades can give you a golden glow if your skin is looking too blue or grey.”

If you’ve got a darker complexion and you’re looking to achieve more even and deeper colouring, Pradas recommends reaching for a self-tanner formula with either a red undertone for maximum bronzing payoff, a neutral brown undertone for a lighter tan adjustment or a golden hue for your-skin-but-better radiance. Unsure how to decipher undertones? “You can test self-tanners on a piece of paper towel prior to using to see what colour appears most: You may see gold, brown, red, violet or green,” she notes.

When selecting a self-tanner that will complement your natural colouring, pay attention to the product descriptio­n. Medium to dark or “express” self-tanners will deliver a more desirable shade on darker skin, says Pradas.

These specific mixtures carry a higher concentrat­ion of DHA, which accounts for the big difference in the colour achieved, adds faux-glow doyen James Read. For paler skin tones, the U.K.-based expert, who is also the founder of his own namesake self-tanning brand, suggests giving gradual self-tanners a whirl for the most believable result. (They contain the least amount of DHA.) Read’s rule of thumb is to reapply self-tanner once a week to help maintain your glow, but if you didn’t reach your desired level of colour the first time and are looking to go darker, you can carefully apply a second layer the next day.

When it comes to applicatio­n, you can get one of two results: gorgeous cohesive colour or a streaky mess. So, first things first: Exfoliate from head to toe to remove any dead skin buildup. Follow up with your favourite moisturize­r (pay special attention to dry elbows and knees), and give it some time to absorb. If skin-sloughing ingredient­s, like retinol and vitamin C, are already a part of your regular face regimen, you can skip exfoliatio­n, says Read. (Over-exfoliatin­g can lead to irritation and accelerate­d aging.)

For a full-body bronze, “begin at the feet and work your way up the body to avoid creasing,” advises Pradas. For the most even tan, foam and gel-based formulas should be applied with a water-resistant self-tanning mitt in a circular motion, and don’t forget to blend often-missed zones (your feet, toes, hands, fingers, knuckles and ears as well as your hairline). “You can use a makeup sponge, a synthetic makeup brush or a foam paintbrush to blend these areas,” says Pradas, adding that you can clean up nails and palms with a makeup wipe to help avoid any staining.

If you’re dealing with any bumpy or scaly patches (hello, psoriasis and eczema), where self-tanner is known to cling and cause splotchine­ss, dab these areas post-self-tanner with a cream-dipped cotton swab or cotton ball. “This dilutes the tanning solution so it won’t get too dark,” explains Read. To avoid further highlighti­ng age spots, apply a concentrat­ed amount of moisturize­r with a cotton swab or cotton ball before you tan.

Finally, always remember to wear sunscreen, since the majority of self-tanners don’t contain any SPF. And even if you use one of the few that do, you’re likely not applying— or reapplying—an adequate amount for proper protection. ■

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