Journal Pioneer

Climate change: no debate in scientific community


On Nov. 3, 2017, Bob McDonald spoke on the CBC National about climate change.

In the 1970s, the Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) gathered 1,300 scientists; they came to the conclusion that, “Yes, there is global warming and humans are responsibl­e.”

The rate of change is the concern. We have our foot on the accelerato­r pedal and Earth doesn’t have time to adjust. We’ve caused extinction of animals and insects, also there’s habitat destructio­n. We’re causing the greatest extinction since the dinosaurs last appeared.

These changes are affecting the bottom of the food chain and if it goes, we’re going with it. Global warming versus no global warming: the perception of both sides is in the public’s eye. There was a campaign funded by an oil company to put doubt in the public’s mind. There’s no debate in the scientific community.

It takes a lot of change to change a climate.

Now, the time is upon us to reverse the situation and learn to live in a clean way: clean up the environmen­t, go for clean energy, walk rather than drive everywhere, plant trees. Look for no-flush toilets, high-efficiency furnaces, better batteries, etc.

This is but a portion of what Bob McDonald reported on climate change on Nov. 3. There are many other reports.

Edna Arsenault, Wellington, P.E.I.

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