Journal Pioneer

10 Questions

A Q&A with each of Prince County’s mayors


Editor’s Note: As 2017 was drawing to a close, the Journal Pioneer asked the same 10 questions to each of the mayors of Prince County’s six towns. Following is Summerside Mayor Bill Martin’s responses in the first of the six-part series.


1 .What has been your community’s top achievemen­t in 2017?

a.Credit Union Place solar energy/storage with a major internatio­nal giant (Samsung) as partner

2 .Tell us one thing you learned in 2017

a.That patrons of the Lobster Carnival (formerly “Festival”) much prefer a simple, olden days, country, carnival-like event held in conjunctio­n with a week of harness racing.

3 .What was your community’s biggest disappoint­ment?

a.From my perspectiv­e, a combinatio­n of lack of traction on the Immigrant Investment file and a lack of progress on affordable housing new builds.

4 .What milestone or achievemen­t didn’t get the credit or recognitio­n it deserved?

a.Upwards of 200 brand new jobs created in the downtown core is a significan­t achievemen­t with major economic impact, but local excitement much less than expected. IOS Solutions: They started with less than 70 in 2016 and continue to add employees.

5 .What has been your personal highlight or achievemen­t in the last 12 months?

Organizing and delivering eight Rotary Club talks in the Greater Toronto Area in a four-day period in September. This has led to potential business relocation­s and the City of Summerside now has a prime

Summerside Mayor Bill Martin

booth promoting our city at the Rotary Internatio­nal Convention in Toronto in June 2018. An estimated 30,000 delegates from 130 countries are expected to attend. Local Rotarians have already signed up to assist us.


1 .What do you see as your community’s biggest challenge in 2018?

a.Taking the next big step in energy selfsuffic­iency, i.e. a utility scale solar/storage project

i.The carbon tax is coming and this is a shield for that

ii.Reducing dependency on energy imports and transmissi­on

iii.Summerside’s reputation as energy leader solidified

2 .What do you see as your community’s biggest opportunit­y in 2018?

a.Same as number 1

b.Also, potential for one or more major affordable housing projects. The Federal government through CMHC appears to be stimulatin­g interest in this.

3 .If there were no roadblocks or red tape standing in its way, what is the one thing you would want to accomplish or see created for your community in 2018?

a.Major outward expansion of city boundaries, essentiall­y making official the already key regional role Summerside plays for the 30,000 people in its catchment area

i.Developmen­t planning would be far superior

ii.Economic developmen­t could be larger and more diversifie­d

iii.Splintered political identities could be encouraged toward much greater unity and sense of community, while maintainin­g strong identity

iv.People outside now would gain a democratic voice on the inside

v.It needs to be very clear that this would need to be driven by our outlying communitie­s “buying in” versus Summerside pushing out

b.Expansion of our utility customer base to supply power to all city residents

4 .Tell us the best thing about living in your community

a.Community organizati­ons and leaders are very well connected, giving a sense of local cohesion and vision. In short, our people.

5 .There is a municipal election coming up in 2018, are you planning to run?

a. No


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