Montreal Gazette

I don’t want to be a burden to others


Re: “Mom died with dignity in palliative care” (Your Views, June 25)

I believe that allowing a patient to die with dignity should be a Canadian r-i-g-h-t.

The approach in which a terminally ill person wishes to end their life should be their decision alone. The distrust Tammy Botham has for the system could easily be countered by encouragin­g everybody to legally document their end-of-life wishes.

For myself, I want to minimize the burden on society in my final days. Neither do I want a disproport­ionate amount of money being spent keeping me “alive” just because it is medically possible. I would rather see this money spent on the young and less fortunate who have a lifetime in front of them. These are my choices.

Hopefully, Botham and others will respect these as I respect her mother’s choices in her final days. David Waddleton


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