Montreal Gazette



Across 1 Only palms to be garland by order of captain. (3,5,2,4) 10 Draws out for lots. (9) 11 Beckett character urged

Dorothy onward. (5) 12 Author of French

Opponent. (5)

13 Choose former president’s

current features. (9)

14 Power for gutted castle. (5) 16 Alice’s fellow guest had problems during affair. (3,6) 18 Fought in court; burned one exit and died. (9)

20 Bury some of them. Be decent. (5) 22 Instrument attached to rats’ sides by offenders. (9) 24 Saint on first base with score at zero. (5)

25 Fur auction holds opening bid. (5)

26 The same as Iceland, it evolved. (9)

27 It’s as if helicopter crashed near

Naples. (3,4,2,5) Down 2 and 19. Live dangerousl­y. Search castle. Find foreign cash. (4,3,7)

3 Socks worn by registered animal. (5)

4 Iridescent material trimmed in a creative way. (5) 5 Petitioned to keep pay. Was arrested. (9)

6 Deal ended thus: Any food one got, I ate. (9)

7 Doctor M doesn’t last. (7) 8 Birds’ playthings. (5)

9 WW1 plane spilled fuel. A few litres. (8)

15 They earn by chasing work. (9) 16 One object of interplane­tary travel. (9)

17 Birds on coloured perches heard. (8) 19 see 2 down

21 Usher at a ball? (7) 22 An appointmen­t. Will it be after five? (5)

23 A place for old maids. (5) 24 Couple and a S.African prime minister. (5)

 ??  ??

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