Montreal Gazette

Local retail industry facing ‘perfect storm,’ city report warns

Online shopping, higher taxes and rents, road constructi­on among major factors


There are roughly 7,700 retail stores on the island of Montreal employing 112,000 people, which account for nearly one in 10 of all jobs in the agglomerat­ion. With restaurant and bars factored in, the total number of employees is 189,000. That number has remained relatively stable since 2011.

Yet the retail industry in Montreal is facing a “perfect storm” of factors putting its future at risk, a new report commission­ed by the City of Montreal states. More individual­s are buying online. Owners and renters are being hit by rapid and repeated hikes in their valuations, driving up taxes and rents. More and more mini-businesses are popping up on streets and on the internet that bring direct competitio­n. Montreal is undergoing an unpreceden­ted level of road constructi­on that hinders shopping. Yet the industry has rarely been taken seriously by local or large government­s, the study finds, and has been left to fight for itself.

In response to retailers’ concerns, the city administra­tion under Mayor Valérie Plante formed a committee in March to come up with a plan to aid merchants that would support Montreal’s economic developmen­t strategy.

Released Monday, the 30-page report, developed by a team of academics, retail experts and retailers and led by Guy Cormier, president and CEO of Mouvement Desjardins, outlines 23 recommenda­tions to improve the vitality of local commerce, which in many sectors defines the livelihood and spirit of the neighbourh­oods they serve.

“Already today, and more so for tomorrow, if we don’t pay attention, retail shops could leave our traditiona­l main arteries,” the report reads. “If that were to happen, the City of Montreal would find itself seriously weakened, and Montrealer­s would lose out.”

Among the main recommenda­tions are:

Improve the co-ordination of the ■ city ’s numerous constructi­on sites and compensate retailers who suffer serious losses;

Decrease the tax burden on ■ merchants by reducing the gap between residentia­l and non-residentia­l property tax rates;

Reduce rates on property taxes ■ on the first $500,000 of evaluation;

Allow merchants to pay their ■ taxes in six instalment­s;

Simplify the regulation­s and ■ administra­tive procedures required in dealing with the City of Montreal;

Improve the city’s online capabiliti­es ■ so merchant requests for aid and the issuing and payment of permits can be done over the internet;

Have the city take greater stock ■ in the importance of major shopping arteries and optimize mobility options to access them, be it by public transit, car or bike.

The Board of Trade of Metropolit­an Montreal applauded the recommenda­tions in the plan, noting that Montreal retailers face the highest tax rates of any large Canadian city.

“The challenge is now (for the city) to put these solutions into practice quickly, so that merchants can benefit as soon as possible,” Board of Trade president Michel Leblanc said in a statement released Monday.

 ?? PIERRE OBENDRAUF ?? A city-commission­ed report recommends that the City of Montreal better co-ordinate with businesses during major constructi­on to minimize disruption and compensate those who lose business.
PIERRE OBENDRAUF A city-commission­ed report recommends that the City of Montreal better co-ordinate with businesses during major constructi­on to minimize disruption and compensate those who lose business.

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