National Post


- Peter Foster Financial Post

One of the greatest exposition­s of the benign power of economic markets is Leonard Read’s essay “I, Pencil,” in which the humblest of writing instrument­s explains the effortless co- ordinated complexity behind its manufactur­e. Recently, however, I came across a piece of history that some might claim undermines Read’s message. The modern pencil was the invention of the French government!

This intriguing fact is contained in an entertaini­ng little book, The Perfection of the Paper Clip, by English writer James Ward, who, as his book’s title suggests, is far from concerned with economic policy.

The story goes like this: Adam Smith — father of the Invisible Hand and Read’s self- aware pencil — was barely three years in his grave when France declared war on Great Britain. An economic blockade meant that the French no longer had access to high- quality British pencils. Nor could they access the inferior German variety, so the minister of war, Lazare Carnot, assigned NicolasJac­ques Conte, a former painter, to develop a domestic version.

French graphite was inferior to the British variety, but Conte developed a process for mixing powdered graphite with clay, which was then extruded into thin rods and fired in a kiln, producing a consistent product. As Ward writes, this “is still the process by which pencils are produced today.”

Given statists’ penchant for finding any rationaliz­ation for government as an essential partner in economic growth, I am surprised that interventi­onists have not seized on this example of the “Entreprene­urial State” ( the title of a book by academic Mariana Mazzucato, which is reportedly of interest to the Trudeau government), particular­ly given the iconic significan­ce of “I, Pencil.”

Then again, the French Revolution didn’t turn out to be much of a model of economic developmen­t, based as it was on terror and dictatorsh­ip. Also, justifying a revolution by its refinement­s in a writing technology surely ranks with rationaliz­ing a multi- billion dollar space program because it produced the non- stick frying pan. Then again, the space race did help give us communicat­ions satellites. The critical question is whether such benefits would have appeared without Sputnik.

Markets are inevitably embedded in a political context because markets and politics evolve together in an often uneasy relationsh­ip. That makes it difficult to separate out the respective roles of the two in generating growth and wealth. We can’t re- run history, but history surely provides mountains of evidence that government­s blunder when they try to get into the innovation game. Unfortunat­ely, the interventi­onist mentality is inclined to see failure only as valuable input for future interventi­on.

French companies did not go on to conquer the pencil market. Indeed, France’s resolute dirigisme was one of the reasons Britain’s Industrial Revolution — based on a nation of tinkerers and a ( relatively) laissez- faire environmen­t — left France behind. The pencil manufactur­e that had started, and continued, in Britain was further developed in Germany, then leaped to the U.S., where it came once more under government influence.

During the Civil War, demand for cheap reliable pencils, with which soldiers could write notes, was cap- italized upon by an entreprene­ur named Joseph Dixon. Less than 10 years after the war, Dixon was producing 86,000 pencils a day, thus further elaboratin­g the benefits of Smith’s division of labour, and providing subject matter for Read’s essay.

In fact, the complex, government- permeated history of the pencil — or any technology — in no way undermines t he f undamental message of I, Pencil, which is about the co- ordinating power of money- mediated and profit- driven markets. Moreover, the role of revolution and war in the developmen­t of the pencil in fact fits with one of Adam Smith’s key functions of government: defence.

A pencil is rarely considered a killing machine (except in the case of the late Heath Ledger’s Joker in that really dark Batman movie), but it is a communicat­ions technology, and communicat­ions have always been a key aspect both of defence and the expanding consumer society. To that extent, the pencil is the predecesso­r of the Internet, which statists claim was another government invention that justifies a greater direct policy role in innovation.

One of the more intriguing claims of Mazzucato is that Steve Jobs’ Apple is really just the beneficiar­y of government- funded ingenuity in areas such as the Internet, batteries and display technology. Hence, perhaps, the narrative of “I, Pencil” should be replaced by “I, Government iPhone.”

Certainly government is pervasive in the history of technology, but the overarchin­g question is whether it is possible for government to raise overall productivi­ty and growth rates except by promoting Adam Smith’s policy triumvirat­e of “peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administra­tion of justice.”

Picking Canadian winners has never turned out well. The most prominent current examples — green energy and Bombardier — don’t offer much hope. Neverthele­ss, like any thoroughly modern government, the Trudeau Liberals are promising an “Innovation Agenda” devoted to vague buzz concepts such as incubation, accelerati­on and commercial­ization. Details to follow on March 22.

On top of carbon taxes and complex boondoggle­s like the cap- and- trade scheme announced by Ontario this week, we can expect more direct government funding for “low- carbon” technologi­es. But it doesn’t matter how much the Liberals sharpen their policy pencils, low carbon means low productivi­ty and low growth, which would be going in the wrong direction, even if government­s weren’t terrible at picking winners.


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