National Post

Latest way to beat infertilit­y: ‘three-parent babies’

- Sharon Kirkey

For $ US50,000 and up, Dr. John Zhang is offering women in their 40s a “solution” for age-related infertili ty — swapping chromo- somes between two women’s eggs, resulting in a child with, technicall­y speaking, three genetic parents. Some of the hopeful mothers-to-be he’s screening are in Canada.

Zhang, who spearheade­d the delivery of the world’s first baby born l ast year f r om hi s c ontroversi­al DNA- blending technique, is now preparing to offer the procedure to older women desperate for their own biological­ly related babies. “We hope to begin cases within the next few weeks,” he said in an email to the Post. Canadian women are among those being considered for the revolution­ary — and some say hugely ethically objectiona­ble — procedure.

The criteria are straightfo­rward enough: the women have to be aged 42 to 47, they must have failed at least two rounds of traditiona­l in vitro fertilizat­ion and still have their periods. They also have to be prepared to pay US$50,00 to $100,000.

Zhang’s “three parent baby” procedure was originally presented as a noble goal to prevent women from transmitti­ng devastatin­g mitochondr­ial diseases to their children.

However, the Manhattanb­ased, Chinese- born scientist is now also targeting the lucrative fertility industry, promising to “reverse the effects of age” on human eggs.

His procedure, known as spindle nuclear transfer, involves removing the nucleus, which contains the majority of maternal DNA, from one woman’s eggs and injecting it into the egg of a younger donor.

The donor egg, stripped of its own nucleus, has what the older egg doesn’t: A more youthful mitochondr­ia. Mitochondr­ia work like miniature power plants, supplying energy to virtually every cell in the body. Evidence suggests that as women age, the energy- output of the mitochondr­ia decreases, meaning less power to fuel cell division after fertilizat­ion, making it harder to achieve a successful pregnancy.

The new, “reconstitu­ted” egg, which conceivabl­y could be decades younger in age than the woman herself, is fertilized with the male partner’s sperm, the resulting embryo transferre­d to the woman’s womb and, if all goes according to plan, a healthy baby is born.

According to Zhang’s new startup, “Darwin Life,” as reported by Technology Review last week, successful­ly swapping its nuclear contents turns the donor egg into a 98.9- per- cent genetic match to the mother (the remaining 1.1 per cent of genetic material coming from the other woman).

Last S e pt e mber, t he world’s first baby conceived via spindle nuclear transfer was born to a couple from Jordan. The mother was a carrier of a lethal, progressiv­e neurologic­al disorder caused by a mutation in her mitochondr­ial DNA that led to the loss of two other children. Zhang performed the egg collection and mitochondr­ial replacemen­t in the U. S. but the actual embryo transfer itself was performed in Mexico, circumvent­ing American laws effectivel­y banning the procedure in the U.S.

Details of the work — backed by privately funded research — were only revealed this past April.

In an earlier interview with the Daily Mail Online, Zhang said the possible applicatio­ns could be “unlimited.” Some have raised the spectre of genetic enhancemen­t and “designer babies,” using the technology to essentiall­y edit eggs and sperm of undesired traits.

“This technique is a new platform,” Zhang told the Daily Mail. “How far it can go, I really cannot imagine.”

Dalhousie University bioethicis­t Francoise Baylis accused Zhang of rushing to commercial­ize an expensive interventi­on for which little published evidence exists to support its safety or efficacy.

“This is unethical, i rresponsib­le and exploitive,” Baylis said in an email, adding there could be unknown harms to the mother, the egg donor and potential offspring.

“The chance of failure with IVF for women over the age of 45 is 98 per cent,” she said. “At best (and this is unlikely) this experiment­al interventi­on might reduce the chance of failure to 70 per cent.”

“This is about selling false hope.”

Zhang’s response to his critics is that most scientific advancemen­ts were initially met with skepticism and moral outrage. “When the world’s first heart transplant occurred in South Africa, the community was afraid the doctor had transferre­d the soul of one person into another,” he said. The first babies born from IVF in 1978 were considered “an unnatural abominatio­n.”

“We have the world’s first successful ( three- parent) birth,” he told the Post. “Of course there is need for longterm study of that baby, and other cases. ( However) we had 20 years of research before moving to the first case study.”

University of Saskatchew­an-based infertilit­y expert Dr. Roger Pierson said that as science moves closer to learning how to turn somatic cells, body cells, on and off, “we know that we’re very close to being able to make a gamete out of any type of body cell.

“Right now we make gametes naturally — men make sperm, women make eggs. We put them together, magic happens, and you have a baby.” Pierson said.

“Here we’re starting to understand reproducti­on at a cellular level,” he said. “The next step is to say, well, if I can do this in an egg cell, why can’t I make an egg cell? Why can’t I make a sperm cell? Why do you have to be female to make an egg?

“There are big- picture questions, and what Zhang’s done is give us another step on the ladder to attacking those big-picture questions,” Pierson said.

While the experiment­s are being done one person at a time, the effects could be passed through generation­s, he added.

“We fixed this person’s infertilit­y — we change their microcellu­lar structure, and that child goes off and reproduces. What is it they pass on? And what is it their children pass on?

“It’s accelerati­ng our evolutiona­ry process in a completely unpreceden­ted way.”

 ?? HANDOUT ?? Dr. John Zhang describes the potential for his three-parent conception process as “unlimited,” though critics question the ethics of rushing to commercial­ize a process that hasn’t undergone research on its safety.
HANDOUT Dr. John Zhang describes the potential for his three-parent conception process as “unlimited,” though critics question the ethics of rushing to commercial­ize a process that hasn’t undergone research on its safety.

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