National Post

Free world must face Iran


Re: U.S. Mideast moves reasonable but risky, Charles Krauthamme­r, June 23.

Charles Krauthamme­r clearly describes the ominous strategic process of Iranian hegemony in the Middle East. The projection of impotence and the underminin­g of allies under t he Obama administra­tion upset the semblance of tenuous order in a region where the best the world can hope f or is periods of calm between storms. Obama enabled the Russians and their proxy, Iran, the world’s top promoter of terrorism, to leap fearlessly into the gaping vacuum of Western power. Russia’s actions are the product of realpoliti­k and are amenable to change through the threat of real consequenc­es. Iran’s actions are greatly driven by religious ideology and the consequenc­es may be more apocalypti­c. Before it is too late, the civilized, free world must reassert its interests in countering the rise of Iran’s dangerous quest for power and domination of the Middle East. Steve Samuel, Toronto

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