National Post

An abundance of bathrooms


Re: No safe space on campus to debate bathroom politics. Barbara Kay, March 7

I’m a Trent University student and I read the article about the debate for bathrooms by Barbara Kay.

I don’t know if you know this but Trent primarily has single- stall gender neutral bathrooms alongside gender- specific f ull size bathrooms in every building. Only one building, the student centre, has the standard full- sized bathroom that is gender-neutral.

Having been a woman in the bathroom I can understand the position girls can feel when men enter. As a victim of gender- based violence, I am very uncomforta­ble around men when I feel vulnerable, i. e. in the bathroom.

However, I did get used to it. That being said, if I hadn’t I could choose not to use that bathroom, as there is one immediatel­y next to it that is single-person style. Or if I just went into any of the buildings that house all our dorms, classrooms, and cafeterias, or our student services buildings ( where students spend t he l argest portion of their time) I would have my choice of single- person gender neutral bathrooms as well as an abundance of old school bathrooms.

This is why people are opposed to Brown’s stance on the bathroom — not because people disagree with her or because it is a place of “tyranny” or “oppression,” but because she is protesting one bathroom out of the dozens upon dozens everywhere else.

Additional­ly, the opposing voices at the Politics and Pints event were actually colleagues of mine and I can confirm that Brown did not leave the debate without hurting quite a few feelings. It was not a pleasant ordeal.

Chloe Todd Bachelder, student at Trent University

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