National Post

Door left open on dairy price controls


OTTAWA • When it comes to defending Canada’s supply management system from the trade demands of the Trump White House, Agricultur­e Minister Lawrence MacAulay is leaving the barn door open a crack.

The U.S. administra­tion has made it clear it wants Canada’s system for controllin­g the price and supplies of dairy, eggs and chicken abolished — something MacAulay insists will not happen.

But when asked Wednesday whether there’s any room to negotiate on supply management, MacAulay was less unequivoca­l.

“Well of course what needs to happen is with any trade deal you have to find out exactly what is on the table, what the approach is,” said MacAulay.

“I’m not going to start negotiatin­g NAFTA here in the public with the press, that would not be my role,” he said.

After the press conference, MacAulay’s office issued a statement clarifying his position. “Our government strongly supports and is committed to maintainin­g Canada’s supply management system. It was a Liberal government that created supply management and we will be tireless in defending it and standing up for the interests of Canadian farming families,” the statement reads.

“Canada’s trade negotiator­s as well as the prime minister, ministers and Liberal members of Parliament, have been clear about this since the current NAFTA talks began,” the statement continues.

At the press conference when pressed about what realistic changes Canada would consider, MacAulay would only repeat his insistence that the government would defend supply management. “We are the government that will defend supply management. We have indicated that quite clearly. We’re fully united,” he said.

He also played down trade tensions between Canada and the U.S., saying there will always be “little problems” between countries.

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