National Post (National Edition)

Trump doing the rigging


The U.S. election is indeed rigged by none other than Donald Trump himself. He has single-handedly ensured that the Republican Party disintegra­ted in front of our eyes, leaving women, Hispanics, Muslims, blacks and any other minority with no choice but to vote for who may be the most qualified individual ever to run for president. Hopefully, the Clintons will go easy on his outrageous abuse of the U.S. tax system. They owe him. he believes the election result thwarts the will of the electorate through voting fraud. In the light of how U.S. elections are conducted, that seems just and reasonable. We all owe Donald Trump a huge debt of gratitude, whether you like him personally or not. Single-handedly and against incredible odds, he has shaken the Washington establishm­ent by revealing how many Americans distrust the establishm­ent for its role in hastening the U.S.’s decline as a great nation. Yes, some may see Trump as a the prototypic­al “ugly America,” but Hillary Clinton looms large as the poster-child of “corrupt and dishonest America.” The fact that these two are the only two viable choices available for the voter speaks volumes about how far America’s culture has fallen from better times.

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