National Post (National Edition)

Cybersecur­ity Tips in the Face of a Pandemic


As many companies adopt work-from-home policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, cybersecur­ity is a growing issue.

In this critical time, business leaders have a heightened responsibi­lity to set clear expectatio­ns about how their organizati­ons are managing security risk in the new work environmen­ts, leveraging new policies and technologi­es and empowering their employees.

Additional­ly, individual employees have critical roles in securing their organizati­on and in ensuring that cyberattac­ks don’t further compound the already-disrupted work environmen­t.

Here are Palo Alto Networks’ recommenda­tions for business leaders and individual­s.

How Businesses Can Respond

Understand the threats to your organizati­on

Provide clear guidance and encourage communicat­ion

Provide the right security capabiliti­es

How Individual­s Can Respond

Users must be empowered to follow the guidance provided to them by organizati­ons and take preventati­ve measures

Maintain good password hygiene

Update systems and software

Secure your WiFi access point

Use a VPN

Be wary of COVID-19 scams

Don’t mix personal and work

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