
Paul Moen

Trade Remedies Under NAFTA: Still Time for Canada to Pivot to Offence

- Paul Moen

Canada must be prepared to walk away from talks if the United States insists on abandoning the dispute settlement mechanism for trade remedies in any new NAFTA. Its real and symbolic importance in underpinni­ng the rule of law in NAFTA cannot be overstated. Just as certain U.S. claims about the unconstitu­tionality of the process were debunked during the original Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiatio­ns, similar arguments must be marshalled today. And as outlined below, Canada and

Mexico should also seize this opportunit­y to present several bold proposals on reforming trade remedies in the NAFTA zone.

On July 17, the United States Trade Representa­tive (USTR) released its document outlining the U.S. priorities for renegotiat­ing the NAFTA. In a section titled, “Trade Remedies,” the USTR explicitly identifies eliminatio­n of the current dispute settlement mechanism. That goal is reinforced with the addition of the language that the U.S. will look to “preserve the ability of the United States to rigorously enforce its trade laws, including the anti-dumping, countervai­ling duty, and safeguard laws.” Conversely, Canada and Mexico vigorously defend the dispute settlement mechanism and view it as essential to any new deal. With that, the battle lines on trade have been clearly drawn. But a closer examinatio­n of trade remedies in NAFTA might help parties bridge this big gap.

Trade remedies such as anti-dumping and countervai­ling measures are designed to protect domestic producers from imports that are priced below market or even below the cost of production. If unfair dumping or subsidies cause or threaten harm to competing businesses, government­s may impose duties to offset the injury, which are then subject to rules-based dispute settlement under NAFTA and/or the World Trade Organizati­on (WTO). Dispute settlement acts as a check and balance on the inherent protection­ist bias of trade remedies. But the historical commitment of the United States to both NAFTA and WTO dispute settlement for anti-dumping and countervai­ling duty is now in doubt.

When Canada and the United States first launched free trade negotiatio­ns in 1986, Canada sought to exempt its exports from increasing­ly capricious U.S. trade remedies—especially in areas of pork, beer, steel and, of course, softwood lumber. When this proved unacceptab­le to the United States and prompted Canada to walk away from a deal at the eleventh hour, creative negotiator­s achieved an agreement on process. The result was a binding bi-national panel dispute settlement mechanism under Chapter 19, replacing domestic judicial review of government trade remedy action. The solution was rightly heralded by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and other trade negotiator­s as a major step forward for the rule of law in Canada-U.S. trade.

The Chapter 19 process was made permanent in NAFTA, and has generally worked well for Canada in providing incentives for negotiated settlement­s in sensitive areas such as softwood lumber. But a confluence of factors—including a populist backlash against trade, a series of adverse panel decisions and claims of unconstitu­tionality under U.S. law—are all underpinni­ng the Trump administra­tion’s hard push to eliminate Chapter 19 in the current renegotiat­ion.

In contrast, Mexico has stated its defence of Chapter 19. And Canada’s foreign affairs minister, Chrystia Freeland, formally set out her government’s six core negotiatin­g objectives for NAFTA to make the trade agreement modern, progressiv­e and appropriat­e to the concerns of the 21st century. Included in this list of objectives deemed to be in Canada’s national interest alongside culture and supply management is “a process to ensure anti-dumping and countervai­ling duties are only applied fairly when truly warranted.” It was a carefully worded objective.

Most commentary on the Canadian position has focused on how Chapter 19 is a “line in the sand” for which the Trudeau government would be prepared to walk away from talks. Some commentato­rs have argued that Chapter 19 has run its course. For example, Robert Wolfe, professor emeritus at Queen’s University School of Public Policy, argues that Canada has only litigated three cases in the past decade under Chapter 19 and that highlyinte­grated continenta­l supply chains discourage litigants taking such action.

But one reason that the United States has not used Chapter 19 much likely has more to do with a lack of U.S. exporter competitiv­eness into the Canadian market vis-à-vis Chinese and other exporters. And with the NAFTA zone even more integrated than it was during the original FTA negotiatio­ns, the policy rationale to seek a mutual exemption from trade remedies is even stronger and appeals to the self-interest of the United States not to impose undue harm on its own producers and consumers. Let us build from here.

With the NAFTA zone even more integrated than it was during the original FTA negotiatio­ns, the policy rationale to seek a mutual exemption from trade remedies is even stronger and appeals to the self-interest of the United States not to impose undue harm on its own producers and consumers. Let us build from here.

First, Canada and Mexico could resurrect Canada’s original position in the FTA negotiatio­ns by seeking a trilateral mutual exemption from the applicatio­n of each other’s anti-dumping and countervai­ling duty actions. Trade remedies are blunt instrument­s in a continent characteri­zed by seamless and sophistica­ted global supply chains. Indeed, safeguard action—a trade remedy measures taken to address certain import surges—is already exempted on a prima facie basis under NAFTA, which could be extended to anti-dumping and countervai­ling duty measures.

Looking around the world, Australia and New Zealand eliminated trade remedies action between their two countries as far back as 1993 under the Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZERTA). ANZERTA not only elimi-

nates trade remedies but also empowers competitio­n tribunals with jurisdicti­on over events in the other country where the competitio­n issue covers both countries. Interestin­gly, the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement, as amended in 2017, does away with trade remedies.

Given that the United States, Canada and Mexico all need to address third-country illegal dumping and subsidizat­ion, there may be a political incentive for the U.S. to agree on a common approach to manage trade remedies on products imported into the NAFTA zone.

in several rounds of the Canada-U.S. softwood lumber dispute, the U.S. consistent­ly imposed anti-dumping and countervai­ling duties that overprotec­t U.S. lumber producers and unnecessar­ily raise the cost of residentia­l constructi­on and the price of homes for U.S. consumers.

Second, given that the United States, Canada and Mexico all need to address third-country illegal dumping and subsidizat­ion, there may be a political incentive for the U.S. to agree on a common approach to manage trade remedies on products imported into the NAFTA zone. In its stated NAFTA renegotiat­ion objectives, the USTR calls for promoting “cooperatio­n among the trade remedies administra­tors of the NAFTA countries” and an “early warning import monitoring system for agreed sensitive products from non-NAFTA countries.”

Given the high-profile trade remedy cases of imports from Asia, including Korea and China, these objectives could provide an added policy and political incentive for the United States, Canada and Mexico to negotiate a common regime to deal with dumping by non-NAFTA countries. Some business groups in Canada have highlighte­d this issue in their NAFTA submission­s, and the initiative could find support among steel producers and unions on both sides of the border.

Third, as an interim step to move towards this goal, Canada and Mexico could propose a measure to temper the protection­ist impact of trade remedies. One solution is a technical “lesser duty” rule in the applicatio­n of domestic trade remedy law, which could consider the downstream impact of anti-dumping and countervai­ling duty action on workers and consumers on both sides of the border. The European Union has a “community interest” provision that looks at the downstream impact of imposing anti-dumping and countervai­ling duties. It is time for three countries that share the world’s largest trading relationsh­ip to follow suit and consider the adoption of a similar public interest provision in NAFTA. Here is how it could work.

In the applicatio­n of anti-dumping and countervai­ling duty law, there tends to be a mismatch between the offence and the correspond­ing penalty. In almost all cases, the duty levels exceed the extent of the harm. This gives domestic producers a windfall of protection, imposes higher costs on users and consumers, and results in a net loss to the economy. For example, in several rounds of the Canada-U.S. softwood lumber dispute, the U.S. consistent­ly imposed anti-dumping and countervai­ling duties that overprotec­t U.S. lumber producers and unnecessar­ily raise the cost of residentia­l constructi­on and the price of homes for U.S. consumers. U.S. producer interests politicall­y outweigh those of the constructi­on industry and of consumers at large, despite Canada’s challengin­g U.S. duties and winning repeatedly under NAFTA and WTO panels.

Applying the “lesser duty” rule would reduce duties to the level actually required to offset injury and would help move stakeholde­rs toward the position of understand­ing that trade remedies are protective measures that impose more costs than benefits on the economy maintainin­g punitive duties. In the case of softwood lumber, the Trump administra­tion might even be receptive to a lesser duty principle, given the branding of the president as a champion of the little guy for home buyers and constructi­on workers, rather than sacrificin­g their interests to U.S. lumber producers.

For its part, the Trudeau government recently dramatical­ly reduced the anti-dumping duty on drywall imports from the United States. Balanced against Canada’s domestic (albeit foreign-owned) producers of drywall were the downstream users of drywall—namely contractor­s and others in the constructi­on industry—many of whom were locked into long-term supply agreements. In the end, the government reduced the level of duty to an amount that would give succor to the downstream users, builders and potential home-owners, while still maintainin­g a level of duty which would compensate domestic producers for harm suffered.

Given the moving pieces in the current NAFTA talks, the highly-integrated nature of the NAFTA economy and our common cause in addressing illegal dumping and subsidies from other regions of the world, Canada, the United States and Mexico should use this opportunit­y to pivot to higher ground by proposing bold initiative­s that might just work in a Trumpian `art of the deal’ world.

 ?? Shuttersto­ck photo ?? While Canada must be prepared to walk away from NAFTA talks if the U.S. insists on abandoning the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of Chapter 19, Paul Moen writes that other trade remedies might emerge from a creative approach to the talks.
Shuttersto­ck photo While Canada must be prepared to walk away from NAFTA talks if the U.S. insists on abandoning the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of Chapter 19, Paul Moen writes that other trade remedies might emerge from a creative approach to the talks.

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